Do you ever wander old posts? One of the things I do every once in a while is bundled up my posts and turn them into a PDF file. WordPress hosts my technical and family history blogs. Normally I publish here on Virily and then back up to Pinterest and my WordPress blogs 2-3 days after posting here. I just created a family history blog back up in late November for the past year. The cost is pretty reasonable (around 9 dollars the US), but you can’t backup directly from Virily. I use a program called Blog to Print. (Blog2print). I started wandering some of my old posts. The ten posts I made on Virily are all with between 54, the lowest, and 894 (the highest) views.
It is interesting when Virily was young, and I didn’t post every day. I did later, but at the time, I was posting between Niume and Virily. I don’t know that I had selected Virily at that point; I was considering several other sites. One of the things I noticed in looking at some of my old posts is that back in the day, I did movie reviews. I started publishing poetry here on Virily more than three years ago. But I also did movie reviews. Then I started wondering, how did you start writing here on Virily? What kind of articles did you start out contributing here? Where did you come from? Is Virily the first writing site that you were on, is it your only blog?
Virily has paid for three years. In the writing site world, that is amazing. As I am wandering through my old posts, I am amazed sometimes. I have posts that are years old that don’t have comments. I have posts that have lots of views form years ago, but still a few comments.
I want to end up with the cautionary tale of Niume. Backup your blogs when you can! Make sure you have a complete copy of the blog in your backup. Niume was a great site, but with the death of the creator, it went away very fast. The problem for me, and several writers on the site, was that we had many posts on the site, and the export feature didn’t work for people with more than 1000 posts.
Backup your blogs! Go back and see what your first post on Virily was?
My first post on Virily
My first shared poem
Question of
have you ever done a movie review on Virily?
Question of
Have you ever shared a poem on Virily?
Question of
Have you gone back to see your first post?
My first 3 posts were all photo journals in story form and polls. Political in their voice and satirical. Thanks for the warning about saving all my work in my documents.
i sadly learned that on Niume, i lost everything.
Oh, my! They are like your babies that you nurture, love, cherish and help grow into something beautiful.
Do you have them, at least, written in your notebooks?
some of them yes, what I do is publish (first niume now virily) and then 2-3 days later I post them on my WordPress view with a link to the original.
Yes, I deleted it. It was that bad.
i have a few from the old days that I should delete.
but that requires work!
I am not even sure there is a delete option now.
honestly, i haven’t looked. i decided to mine some old posts for fun this week
I think my first post was an introduction but not sure. Great first post!
if you get a chance share the link, i would love to read it!!!!
Mine was an introduction, and titled My first post here on Virily. Sadly it has all the pictures stripped, along with most of my older stuff. All blank.
i have my wander project pictures gone. makes me sad.
oh well I still have the pictures.
True, mine are on a hard drives.
pictures I have, getting at the text on Virily would be easy also (i post these 3 days later on another site)
I read that down there VVV in one of the comments. That is a plus.
back in the day when you could put thanks as a comment or Good.
Yep!!!!!!! !!! !! !! !!! Had to. 😉
my favorite
bad behavior causes over reaction by the admin team.
I do remember my first post here. However Virily isn’t my first site I have been around these sites for 10 years now. I mostly write about plants flowers, nature animals and stuff. I enjoy being here. I usually write on self hep topics on other sites.
There are a bunch of us that moved to Virily from Niume. A bunch of people that moved with Kim (above) from TSU.
it is amazing that Virily is still around.
Yes (3 votes) – 20%
No (12 votes) – 80%
Yes (6 votes) – 50%
No (6 votes) – 50%
Yes (10 votes) – 67%
No (5 votes) – 33%
I remember my first post on Virily, it was not so long ago!!!
I remember your first post as well. I am glad you are here pal!!!!
My post was ‘Good to be here’
i remember that post! Are you still glad to be here?
Your blocking me has not affected me in any way. I am very happy here. My statistics say that.
i see. Well I guess the hurtful things you said to me didn’t impact me at all either. Thanks for commenting.
Actually Doc I would love to see what my first posts were out of interest, Everything I have ever written I have saved on my PC in folders for each site. However, there are 152 pages of my posts. Do I have to go through all of them to get to my very first post or is there a way to go right to the end?
actually in the new version of Virily if you go to profile more posts on the bottom of the page you should see your 1.2.3 pages as normal. At the end of the list should be the last page with your first post on it!
Very good post, Scott. I remember well when I came to Virily mid 2017. I was grieving a deep loss and needed some new activity, which, it turned out, was to post quizzes. I had near-zero interest in earning revenue, though I had earned substantially on Tsu previously. The reason I selected Virily was purely because of their quiz software, and when I discovered I could earn some pin money, than was a nice extra 🙂 Sadly I have found no effective way to back up my quizzes nor any other site to host them. So I just gotta hope Virily keeps going !
First, I am so sorry again, for your loss. you actually joined 4 months or so before I joined!
It has been an interesting journey. Backing up a quiz might be possible but the code to do so would require Virily team support.
Thanks, Doc. I’ve always appreciated your support.
o try to help everyone. doesn’t always do me good, but I try!
I believe being good and positive generates its own reward, in terms of one’s own mental health. Of course it’s nice when others appreciate it too 🙂
i find that there are those who can admit people helped them and those that cannot.
as someone who spent time on a helpdesk, my desire is to solve problems. But my rule is if you treat me poorly or call me names. I walk away.
my first virily post was without doubt a niume repost
i miss Niume. i used to talk to one of the co-creators (Tim) all the time. It was a great site.
a better, vanished time
yes it is, when he died i thought, boy the site is in trouble. He knew where everything was code wise.
2 months later the URL returned a 404 error.
is that what happened?
sadly yes. He was one of those brilliant coders that worked without a net. No one else knew how he pulled the pasta through the wringer!
I’ve met some of them before. will not document for love nor money…
in his case it was more, let me fix the problems, I will document it later. Then he got sick, and well time evaporated.
completely understandable. but it is a rare dev indeed who makes documentation a priority
or my favorite, the creation of commented code.
don’t use this
oh yeah!
I sucked at code, but it was well documented. correlation?
Talk about memory lane.
Perhaps you were subconsciously reminiscing about the first kiss with the love of your life. If not, maybe you should…
ah it is not the first kiss with my love that matters, it is the last kiss before we part for the day!
Ah-ha…a never ending type of omega and each day a new beginning with the first kiss.
my wife is the world’s greatest hugger as well. Both timing and quality!
You are both blessed to have each other #@Love
that is very true my friend my true
Yes, I remember, my first post was about dogs. When I started editing my broken posts, it was the first one I edited as it has not any pictures.
all of my old posts are missing lots of pictures. I gave up. Can’t fix 2000 posts.
Interesting question. My first posts are similar to today. My walks, places to visit, flowers, tips, etc. The first post was when I visited Ljubljana Castle.
i started my wander project 3 years ago. My first wander project post was Paris France!
Very interesting topic! My posts haven’t changed very much since the beginning – they are mostly about photos I have taken, food, and other random things that interested me at the moment. Sadly, my first post on virily is affected by the missing content issue so it is not worth beeing seen anymore.
i started my wander project 3 years ago, between 12 and 14 pictures per post. All of them only one picture now.
It is a pity that hard work got wasted.
the pictures are still there, Alex actually found them. They just aren’t linked to the old posts.
I know but they are not visible without editing.
i have 2000 posts, i won’t be editing them.
I haven’t had a lot of time to do that but it sounds a good idea. I used to belong to a group called “Lasting Impressions” that included poetry, songs and art work. I learned so much from it. I kept some of my writing but the format of writing changed and I lost some of the work.
i can understand that – things change over time.
As soon as I read your title, I immediately went and looked at my first one 3 years ago. And surprise surprise, it was about Brendel!
will you share the link here? I want to read it!!!!
Going back to your first posts is easy – the problem with around 750 posts is looking at number 375! I have masses of material in store – much of it having been contributed to other sites that died years ago – and I would like to use that material on Virily but have no idea whether I have already done so. A lack of a search engine makes it a bit of gamble.
I maintain a set of blogs on Google Blogger – which is fairly easy to search. My factual Virily posts are preserved there, along with posts that have appeared elsewhere.
i think your point is exceptional. I hadn’t thought about it until you brought it up. I have a few more than 750 here. Finding the mid-point would be tough!!!!
I can’t remember my first post but I will go back to see.
let me know – it was interesting for me!
I am relatively new here and I remember all my post here.
i forgot so many things I wrote ages ago!!!! it is funny!
i have been in an out of many different sites over the years. I guess it is de rigor.
Last year, I went through my posts from the first published post. With less than 50, it was easy and as is your case, some had more views, others less comments.
When Helium ceased its operations in 2013, I had lost more than 100 posts. The same case with Suite101, YourSayToo, Suite. io, AssociatedContent and others. I miss the sites.
sorry that the above was meant as a reply. I’ve been on many writing sites. some good, some bad.
It’s okay. I reread it again. There were many sites back then.
there were, now time will tell for Virily.