

New Site Changes – there is a path forward.

Good morning and welcome to the new Virily.

Four days ago, I wrote about the value of comments. Now, as you see from my virils this morning, that post came home to roost. There has been a numb er of issues over the years of Virily, and many of them have had restrictions created because of them.

  1. The one and done commenter or commenting on everything but never responding to replies
  2. The post and never reply to comments
  3. The cover poster posting six or more posts every day (now the max is 6 for everyone)
  4. The under commenter (excellent, right)
  5. The drafts issue (ancient problem)
  6. False positives (over commenting on your post) no rules yet, but this one is. Next, I would guess.

All of these have had responses from the admin team. As they all should, the current one brings back the post I made four days ago. You can find that post here.  The newest change to Viril is in direct response to the users (there are a few) who either post and never reply to comments on their job and the people that overcommitted without responding or having the conversation.

As I mentioned before, there is a path forward now. The good news is there is still a way to build virils. It may force a different model for a lot of users, but it can be done. It is all about the value of a comment. If you comment on someone’s post, and they reply, you reply, then the amount of the post gain. Yes, you can post a poll and get the initial blast. You can post six times and so on. But now the value is in conversational comments. Note this is not about one at a time over commenting. It is about having a conversation, just like I mentioned in my post of 4 days ago.

Comments matter, threads matter, and now if you want to gain virils on the site, you need to consider the new model connect with people and build conversations! Personally, there are several ways to make this work for all of us. I will say the admin is watching the other over the commenting problem (someone responds to your post, and your comment ten times), so don’t start doing that. We don’t want any more significant changes made because people adopt the over commenting on their post issue.

It is a brave new world, but we have a path forward.

The rise of conversations on Virily has begun! I promise you if you reply to me, i will make sure to visit and reply to you! The longer the conversation thread, the more virils we can all earn!!!

  • Question of

    It is time for our community to work togheter, right?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Please don’t become an over commenter that is the next thing they will take

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    The value of conversations and comments is important to me

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    i love conversations on the site!

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

21 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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    Yes (19 votes) – 95%
    No (1 votes) – 5%
    Yes (13 votes) – 93%
    No (1 votes) – 7%
    Yes (17 votes) – 94%
    No (1 votes) – 6%
    Yes (18 votes) – 95%
    No (1 votes) – 5%

  2. Well, they have made it more and more difficult to earn here, you have to do much more to earn now. That mean you could be spending a whole day here to comment and earn less than before.
    I have no problems commenting, in fact I love commenting and interacting with friendly people . I hope people will get more interactive.

  3. I also think it’s a matter of time for the reward for comments to be gone as well, unfortunately.
    I have been wondering why people do or don’t certain things, but everyone has their own limitations – time, language, knowledge in a topic, etc.

    • i know we asked in July and of course got no response, but for a community board here on the site, With a rotating group of authors setting rules/standards. i wonder if that isn’t a good idea.

  4. I really don’t know what to think, Virily is giving us a clear sign that something is wrong with the site. Sometimes I comment, sometimes I don’t, it always depends on my time. I don’t post polls or articles everyday too, I don’t know if the site will work for me from now on. 😔

    • i think what Virily has done is basically take two issues on with this change. The first issue is people who post but do not reply to comments – they get some value now, but my gut is if you don’t reply people aren’t going to read your posts.
      the other group is that group that gained a lot of Virils commenting on many posts and not replying to the author’s reply.

      The value now for all if us, is the original comment, the author reply and then the reader replying again!

  5. Things are certainly changing. Looks like payment will be made quarterly perhaps. They are slowly taking away all avenues of making virils. Oh well, we will do what we can and hope for the best. Like I do every day in my life. 🙂

  6. I assumed there had to be changes. Unfortunately, I was expecting something like this. Some members have really “exploited” this site. As you know, I have repeatedly mentioned that some members do not return comments or do not comment at all.

  7. Okay, so they took away drafts because of the cheating problem from way back? So, the quizzes and polls will never be like they used to be? How did they fix the 1-3? What were the changes? I am lost, and also guilty of commenting, then thinking of something I didnt mention and leaving another. So that’s a problem? I thought I read somewhere this morning that they took away virils for commenting? I also havent been paying attention to the virils and what makes money now.

  8. I read the post very carefully. But did I understand the most important thing.
    1. It doesn’t matter how many posts you have posted for the day.
    2. The more conversation you have, the more you respond to the comments in your posts.
    3 The same applies to responding to your comments in other posts you have visited.

    • so you get credit for all comments on your post. what that means is to take the concept you proposed one step further, have longer conversations on your own posts and the posts of others then we all benefit!

  9. Although it’s not great I do agree that some unfortunate situations that we face recently because some members “abuse” the system for their own benefits.

    Like overly publish a post daily just because they don’t need to wait for their post to be approved. I also found some who just post but never engage by comment or view others post.

  10. I dont think I have ever over-commented unless its within a particular conversation. I just don’t have the energy to do that. I need to move around instead of being cooped up behind a screen. That’s just me though : )

  11. Good Morning Doc, and thanks for giving us all a clear picture and a way forward. I had just stopped by on my way to work and found it comforting to find your post here. It seems like forging ahead with relevant comments, great SEO, meaningful and interesting posts are the way to go. I think that is simply going back to our core.

    I am off to training soon, but I am not gone forever.


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