I have been reading a lot from different members, old and new. This site needs something new. Something to keep the interest of the new members coming in, and the older ones considering leaving.
As always I have had a communication issue for well over one year with Virily. Can never get answers to issues, both small and big. Maybe you have, if so, then good for you.
But maybe we have to continue posting as if there are no moderators. There is a problem with that scenario. There are members who still have to wait for their posts to be accepted or rejected.
Funny thing, there is someone working behind the scenes moderating the posts, but I cannot get answers to simple questions. Cannot explain that one.
Don’t get me wrong, this is not a complaining post. And not meant to be negative. Just talking. More about you as a member, suggesting what can be done to change things up a bit. There are many challenges to give you ideas on what to post about.
But something seems to be missing. Does anybody agree with me? If so, do you have any ideas, suggestions, recommendations that we, as members, can do differently?
Of course this is all only my opinion of how I see things here. Eeyore in the photo agrees with me.
Question of
Any suggestions or recommendations we can do, as a member?
Question of
Do you feel Virily needs to be refreshed, something new?
I have trouble with creating polls or quizzes and as I never seem to be able to fix that, just stick to what works..
it seems clear that this is the way the admins want things
Yeah it does. Maybe we should leave the issue alone. May as well. One sided conversation.
it isn’t going anywhere
I’m seriously frustrated with No communication as it also happens in my life with great inconvenience to a few parties. Worst is when the victim gets the blame at the end of it. Of course Virily’s problem wasn’t that “serious” till it causes big problems. But still, it have drove some people away.
Seriously I think Virily either have problem with No communication or they looked too hard into things. Twice, they rejected my quiz because I left the last question with only one option and that is “Yes” as it was a thank you for playing and you’re not supposed to get it wrong. Not very encouraging to me.
I’ve always tried to do things differently and explore with various options. But some of them (like gifs) aren’t working on the site now for many of us. So I guess I’ve to keep searching for new options. But, That’s if I’ve the time :p
Anyway, thanks for the posts, I think we can expect more creative and “new” posts after this! 🙂
I did not start this out as a rant post, but it always seems to circle back around doesn’t it? It is the issue at hand after all. Things you mentioned, I feel the frustration from many. Just nobody seems to care enough here to resolve. I guess if members start leaving maybe that will get their attention, not sure at this point.
You are very creative and always mix things up. I tend to post the same polls over and over. But the issues still loom over us. We can only hope for a change.
Unfortunately it turned out LIKE one… well, like you said, it always get to that point, whereby we need some communications going on. Its a great concern for the users.
We need a variety of posts, which means, you post in your style (your great photos), I post in my style (which I don’t have LOL :p) while others post in theirs. I don’t see anything wrong with being consistent with your style 🙂
There definitely has to be an easy way to contact support or admin and get issues resolved or questions answered. I had to contact them a few times about earnings but never got a reply back.
Ok, if it is so easy, please share Lena! Would love to know the secret. 🙂 No questions are being answered for over a year now.
I said there has to be an easy way to contact support. I didn’t say there is lol.
Got it, I keep hoping for the best.
Hello Carol, I believe, we need to find out who lives near the Virily physical site and pay them a visit. Even if there ar3e a bunch of robots, AI’s running the show, then at least we can get to decide, are we happy for whatever reason and does that happiness exceed our frustration levels or not. Then, simply leave or stay. Great post my friend and thanks for trying. Andre’ 😉
Macedonia is a long way form Tennessee! But I agree Andre. All I can do is keep trying.
Carol, thanks for bringing this issue up. The lack of response from the admins is quite frustrating. It’s discouraging most of us. It’s as if we are talking to ourselves. One would wonder if the admins and the founders were annihilated by the zombies.
We do have the ability to post different posts or posts on different things. But, how we will know which posts are acceptable when they reject a post without any explanation to accompany the rejected post?
It’s quite frustrating and discouraging.
You are very welcome. It never goes anywhere but I thought it was time perhaps. I do understand your frustration and I do not understand the silence from the site. We get posts moderated, eventually, most of the time, and we get paid. Other than that all we have is a platform and we are mostly on our own.
As for the rejections, I am with you. If it is rejected, you should know why. Otherwise you will continue the same mistakes. Like being in a classroom with no teacher. I feel for all of us, and I wish I could wave a magic wand and things would be different. But that doesn’t work unfortunately.
NO communication is what is wrong. Period. The admins or someone needs to make an appearance, but they never do. They did try a challenge and were going to do more, but never did. They tried one, but for challenges you have to do multiple ones until people hear about it. They never gave it a chance because the outcome or not many members posted for it. But, it was their first one. You got to get the ball rolling with those. Today I started an old new challenge. Song saturday. I know this doesnt help long term, and I made it before I read this. I think they are in real trouble now that Tsu is coming back. Just sayin’. Great post here btw.
Yes Kim, I have been shouting that for OVER A YEAR AT LEAST! I get nothing. And cannot blame anyone for leaving. It is crazy, unacceptable not to have any communication. No earnings updated, all the issues that have been here forever.
I did not start out making this about our issues we have no resolution with, I have beat it to death, over and over many times with nothing. I was hoping for some new ideas, but it always comes full circle, right back to the problem. The elephant in the room, you cannot have a relationship without communication. Yes, completion is coming soon!
Well, some new posting ideas is a great idea, Carol.
I love the new type of post you shared I think that is a fun new way to share ideas.
I know I am horribly guilty of the same posts over and over (Wander Project).
You are right. Time for a change! Too many negative posts. Too many things are working wrong.
Time for us to move to “get it done” stage.
Perhaps we could focus the number of currently open challenges?
I liked Ghostwriters excellent thank you challenge but it never really caught on.
The problem I found with any challenge like that Doc is I don’t want to leave anyone out. A great idea but I didn’t participate. There are challenges here, at least 1-2 for each day. I hope we can get it done, sounds good to me. I have been told from a few members they are leaving due to no communication, earnings not updated, waiting too long for posts to be moderated, etc. All of the issues that have always happened here with no resolution. Not sure what that is all about.
The positive here, what is keeping a lot around, is we continue to get paid. That tells me someone is working in the background. Why can’t they come forward and address issues?
I know you have no answers, I am just putting this out there and calling it as I see it.
Not what I originally started writing about. But it did make me start thinking, maybe since we seem to be working on our own here, to do something different. Open to ideas.
I think honestly there needs to be an easier way to do challenges, somehow reduce some of them.
I think we just are trying to do too much.
I don’t participate in half of the challenges.
I do understand the goals of the challenges. It is to move the community forward.
My mistake was the 365 photo challenge. That ended up being a huge workload that I wasn’t prepared for over that year.
So I stopped doing any of them.
I do wonder, its time to see the faces of the Dude and Brendel – that will cheer us up!!!
I am not even sure if the people we listed still work here.
Who knows, we have no clue, working in the dark.
The earning should be updated daily .
You have no idea how many times I have said this my friend, over and over and over.
Maybe we can post about our complaints, suggestions, and even rants once in a while.
If you do a search of the posts here, you will find a ton of complaints, suggestions, and even rants, ALL gone unanswered. This did not just start unfortunately.
I have written a post and given my suggestions and yes as @indexer says a forum where one is not paid could be a good idea.
@jaylar has serious issues. How can that be addressed is what bothers me.
Nothing can be addressed, not even a forum without communication from Virily. It is a broken record to continue talking about all of this. It has been done over and over with no resolution. I only made this post speaking the members, what can we do, since we have no support.
If Virily does not react there is nothing we can do I suppose but carry on as usual??
Yes but my point was maybe we could post different things here ot keep it interesting for the members that are here. I was only asking for different posting ideas. Something new.
I think I am already doing it. Hope you agree with me (lol)
Yes Grace we have been carrying on as usual for way too long. Someone is behind the scenes here, moderating posts and we are getting paid. If that can be done, our questions should be answered. Period.
I think we need a Forum, where issues can be addressed and responded to. This should be completely separate from the Virils reward scheme, so that participants will not be encouraged to post just for the sake of earning Virils.
Responded to by whom? A forum would be great if we had the support from Virily.
Indeed so. Clearly a Forum could not be instituted without the agreement of Virily’s managers, and they would have to lay down the conditions under which it operated. I would like to think that they would only do so if they committed to reading the posts and responding to them.
A question – do we know if the Managers are active participants on Virily? I would like to think that they are, and that they therefore read a reasonable number of the posts that appear here.
Good luck getting any response from Virily managers. That is my whole point. They seem invisible. Never answer any questions for over a year now, where are they?
I have been asking many questions for way to long now and get nothing. Silence. Somebody is moderating the posts, as I said above, but where are they for our issues?
I wonder who actually lives in the same city as Virily admin, I think it is in Latvia, I stand to be corrected. Andre’
Grammarly is A.I. and is quite remarkable, what specific moderations are being done Carol?
Andre, I do no moderations my friend.
I totally agree with you but at the moment I have no idea what we could do. I was already thinking about what else I could do to get new members to visit our posts.
I know, I just thought I would give you something to think about. It has been on my mind. With some leaving, trying to give them reason to stay.
I try to post more short and interesting polls about different subjects like animals and plants and so on to get people to interact and I continue to think of new quiz ideas., I think that if we don’t just write about different topics but get some interaction that is a good idea too,
And you are doing great, I am enjoying your posts. Those are the things we need, something different, including myself.
The ball is firmly in the court of those that pull the strings, as it has been for a very long time now. It is clear that there are many deep frustrations that could be addressed quite easily if only there were a will.
Yes I know Norman. I started out addressing members only. Hoping we could all stay together and make the best of it. Some have told me they are thinking of leaving.
You wrote beautifully, you just can’t do anything, dear Carol … because no one answers any questions … I think it’s all a waste of time … you won’t be able to do anything … when I get tired I’ll just break off like i’m already 1x
Thank you Lado. I acknowledged that problem and it seems it will not change. I was just trying to get different ideas to keep the site interesting.
I just wish there was a solution but without communication there is not, in any relationship.
It just keeps with them you just can’t communicate because they don’t reply to any mail
Exactly, communication is a two way street.
I heard that TSU will be relaunched so … there is a new opportunity!?
I heard the same, and I agree. I will check it out.
That really sounds exciting, doesn’t it!
TSU ARE DEAD!!! THE DOMAIN NAME IS FOR SALE= http://www.tsu.com/
TSU is dead! The name is on auction! http://www.tsu.com/
I don’t disagree. However I am lacking ideas. I suppose my posts are getting old and boring as well. Maybe we just need to stop for awhile and see if anything happens. …….. Well then they would probably simply close another site and we all go through all of that again.
I will volunteer to leave for a month if you think that would be helpful.
No, I am not suggesting anyone leave. Just something different. I am guilty of posting all about nature in my yard. You are all probably sick of it. Not sure what, but maybe it should be talked about.
I am not sick of it. We (in my home love it) What is TSU?
I have not an idea what suggest to Virily. I was so disappointed that left if for many months, then came back again. It seems no one listens us or pays attention what we talk here. And honestly, I do not know how long I will be there. The most what annoys me is our dashboard that is updated only once a month. I miss time when it was updated daily.
Do you think they speak the same language as we do?
If they do not speak our language, they need to find someone who does!
That is an interesting concept about the language but it should not be an excuse.
We know from previous communications that Natalija, Aleksandar and Branka all speak excellent English.
There is a difference between an excuse and a concern.
When Natalie was there, she was very business-like at first, then she warmed towards me and sort of stopped seeing me as a smartass. Then she left!
I agree Fortune, it seems we are alone here as far as members. But we can make the best of it. Something new perhaps? Post about something different maybe. Not sure the answer. As far as the dashboard, another issue I was referring to in my post. Just no communication from anyone.
Norman, You are exactly right!
Do you remember when most of your posts were home design?
Yes, I remember. I used to write posts that could be useful for outside viewers too. But when they stopped to reward us for outside views I stopped to put so much efforts to bring readers. Because such works required much time, much more than I spend now writing short polls, challenges posts and so on. And if my design posts are rewarded less now, I refuse to spend more time on Virily.