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Baby in Evergreen ~ Alphabet Crazy

Snapped this photo of a baby black bird perched in one of my evergreens in the front yard. I thought of the photo while trying to decide of an E photo for Alibb’s Alphabet Crazy challenge.

This year was the first time I saw blackbird babies in the yard. And there were at least two nests, maybe three in my front and back yard. 

So cool to see so many baby birds in the yard. I hope next year will be even better.

Maybe the bluebirds will return next year and raise babies.

Photo ©CarolDM2019

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Written by Carol DM


  1. Incidentally I was attacked by two Magpies (crow like birds) while I was coming from super market this morning. It’s the breeding season of this black bird and these birds become too aggressive during this season.

    • Thanks! I almost missed it, was not expecting them in this tree in the front. Another reason why it pays to always have your camera. Yes, the parents were on the roof with food.