Actually, I don’t have anything against Saturn but that is the title of one of my favorite books. And I love doing top ten lists so I decided to do this. I hope you enjoy this little departure…
Why I Hate Saturn
Alex Ledante
23 Votes
humorSaturntop five listtrash talk
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Pluto has always been my favorite. The smallest planet is now Mercury because Pluto is not considered a planet. Pluto is now called a dwarf planet.
NASA reversed that a while back. Pluto was always a planet, but for a while some chuckleheads were pretending that it wasn’t. Almost nobody goes for that any longer…
The first question (there may be more)
1. ok gas bags, politicians or planets?
2. Looks like a couple of planets are Beyonce fans right? I mean they “put a ring on it!”
3. I can’t help it, the rings look like the stuff left in the bathtub after we give the dogs a bath.light switch off.
Wait a minute, what is this the planets revolve around the sun? OMG, you are one of those HelioCentrists. Just because you see the sun and the earth moves. 😉
(kidding of course)You did answer my Beyonce question that one is critical!
I am familiar with the name Beyonce, but that is all. I can guess that she had a lyric about putting a ring on it, but not familiar with the source material
I asked my boss once, “So what’s the deal here? Is it to see how much hot air can come out of a gas bag?” — Is Saturn kind of like that?
The planet Saturn is probably the best known and most beautiful planet in the Solar System. Saturn’s rings are far more extensive and more easily seen than those of any other planet. Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system with a diameter of 120,000 km.
It’s my best favourite planet. Not because it’s based on mythology or happens to be so. I happen to love its shape though it’s so sad the rings aren’t physical as in intact rocks. Actually, I have an email that goes like:
I don’t hate Saturn either except that it was Saturn that decided to throw Pluto out. Great information.
Saturn was overthrown by Jupiter in Roman mythology. Paganism is another reason why Saturn must be hated.
Saturn/Kronos sucks because he killed his father Uranus/Ouranos and then did the exact same thing his old man used to do. Which makes Saturn a patricidal hypocrite
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Well that made me smile.
that’s my good deed for the day
Well hurricanes are nothing on Saturn!
I think Jupiter’s red spot is even worse
You threw a curveball with this title.
Remember my Why I Hate MegaTokyo series? that’s where I got the title