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Yordanovden: An Unusual Bulgarian Tradition

There’s a crazy holiday today. Some brave men here jump into the cold winter water of the sea or river to catch a cross, which is thrown by the priest. It’s believed that the man who catches it, will be in a good health during the whole year.

The holiday is Epiphany, or like it’s also called Yordanovden (Jordan’s Day). It’s celebrated in honour of the River Jordan and Jesus’ baptism. 

It’s also a name day for the people who are named after the river. Everyone who has a name like Yordan or Yordanka (the female version) celebrates by receiving gifts.

An interesting tradition here is that people who have a name day don’t have to invite guests; people can go to their houses without an invitation and the host has to treat them. But nowadays people just invite their guests at home or somewhere out, so there aren’t any surprises.

What crazy holidays do you have in your country?

Photos: Pixabay

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Written by ellie925


  1. That got me shivering., Latvia is the country where a traditional holiday is the Midsummer Nights Celebration called Ligo Vakars and the next day Johns Day or Jani. On the eve before Ligo people attempt to jump over their bonfires. Need I say more. The traditional drink is beer,
