“I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, “Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.”
― Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass
It already feels like winter here. It’s been snowing for the last few days and everything is covered in snow now.I love those peaceful snowy days when the sun is shining and the sky is blue. However, right now everything is white and the snowflakes keep on falling.
See also:
ice post and nice picture..
The photo is great..
Thank you very much for your kind comments!
The first snow has also fallen in our country today
I hope you have a wonderful winter! Stay warm!
Lovely photo of the snow….looks cold though! So glad we haven’t had snow yet, but soon we will get some too. Not looking forward to it! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Thank you so much! I hope you have a wonderful winter! Maybe Eli would love to play in the snow. 🙂
Nice post and nice picture!
Thank you so much, Georgi!
Great photograph. I always loved photos of flowers in the snow.
Thank you so much, Kim! I agree, there’s something dramatic in the contrast between flowers and the snow.
I don’t remember the last time it snowed here 🙁 I miss it but I don’t miss the cold :p
Hehe, I understand you completely! I love snow, but I’m not a fan of the cold weather.
I used to love winter but I find as I get older, I dislike winter more and more 🙁
I like it when it starts, but then I get tired of it.
I love winter, not as much as summer (then you can be on the boat!) but Winter is a quite time that brings peace to the world!
I like it in the beginning, but then I get tired of it, haha.
All the seasons are my favourites! No snow here yet, but I love that Lewis Carroll quote, Ellie 🙂
Thank you so much, Norman! I hope you have a wonderful winter!
I love snow. In my town there is no snow yet, but on a nearby mountain there is snow and we plan to go there for this weekend.
Have a wonderful weekend! I’m looking forward to seeing some photos from the mountains!
The first snow is quiet
gently pinch the cheeks again,
Where is the old stump in the yard,
Snow struck everything out.
I like this baby song for the first snow. The photo is unique Eli.
Thank you for these beautiful words!
Lovely post, looks great but I’ve never been in snow.
Thank you, Pamela! Snow can be beautiful and fun, but the cold weather is not that great!
Nice quote but then, the flower seems so lonely with all the snow covering its beautiful petals..
I agree. It’s a beautiful scene, but a little bit sad.
Lewis Carroll quotes are the best!
Glad you like them! It seems that they are trendy here.
Are they? I hadn’t noticed any before now. Must be reading the wrong posts…
Oh, my bad! I meant quotes in general.
Quotes in general? Yeah, they’re all sorts of popular in this neck of the woods…
We had a dusting of snow one morning at the weekend here in Leicestershire, which is very unusual as early as this. There was hardly any snow at all last winter, so maybe this one will be different!
Snowy or not, I hope you have a wonderful winter!
I am very glad that you seem to like winter. Winter is my favourite season of the year after autumn and spring. Summer is my last. I know it sounds crazy but that is the way it is. The reason being for my dislike of summer is that it get so hot, humid and muggy here in the Ottawa valley and it seems to just crush me. But in winter, the air is fresh and cool to cold and refreshing. Anyway, great picture and thank you for giving me the opportunity to rant on my favourite and least favourite seasons.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I understand you completely, summer is my least favorite season too! It can get really cold in the summer here, but it’s nice if you are at the seaside and the sea water is nice and warm.
Oh I get it. But exactly where are your residing if I can be so bold to ask? I do not know if I can check or am allowed to check that on your profile.
I live in Bulgaria. I have a lot of posts about different places here, and also photos from the seaside. 🙂
I will certainly check these out and give you a high five.
Thank you so much! I hope it didn’t sound like a self promotion, haha.
I love the first one in the fall and the last one in the spring.
Thank you so much for sharing!
Lucky you! Thanks for sharing some of your snowfall with us. Delightful pic.
Hehe, we are always excited for the first snow, but we get tired of it quickly. Thanks for stopping by!
Cool cold face. Brrrr… Beauty but danger (for me)…
Thank you! Yes, it can get a little bit dangerous, but it’s okay for now!
What’s the degree of celsius temperature there, Ellie?
I think it’s about -4 degrees C right now. What about there?
How beautiful! It is not that cold here yet. Love the image and the quote.
Thank you so much, Carol! It’s beautiful, but a little bit sad too.