Someone once asked me why I post columns like yesterday. Well, the easy answer is the awesome community here steps up. Yesterday is no exception! I got two great additional ideas yesterday that I wanted to bring to the community as a whole and examine those ideas a little more. I did want to say thank you to every single member of the community that voted, commented, and discussed the tops of yesterday. We have a great community here, and I enjoy the opportunity to share ideas and conversations with those of you that did comment! As I said out of yesterday, I got two opinions. I am going to list the concepts and then describe what they might look like in-depth.
- What if the unmoderated posts went into view called unmoderated. If a post there got enough likes (or opinions or comments), it would move into the official site. Allowing for this would reduce the wear and tear on the admin team (and reduce their workload), allowing them to run plagiarism checks on more posts, including the verified users).
- Fewer categories on the site but many more subcategories for writers
- Lifestyle –
- Fashion
- Vacation spots
- Technology
- Robotics
- Computers
- The internet
- Literature
- Poetry
- Fiction
- Other
You get the idea to have 5 or 6 main categories and then have authors choose the ones that best fit. We could then have the author moderators move things out of their moderated areas (say I was moderating technology and someone posted how to make Chocolate Chip cookies, I could move that into lifestyle cooking)!
So let’s dive into the first one – the concept of all posts being life, but posts that are not moderated would be managed in an unmoderated view. Doing this allows for posts to be automatically moderated once they reached a specific threshold of views, comments, or upvotes. That number is something we should discuss (please do in the comments)!
The second is merely taking the idea of new categories, and adding the concept of reduced classes overall (say 10) but adding 20 or 30 additional subcategories. It allows people to view the site without having to view things they are not interested in. The reverse of course that they could view posts in a specialized area (say Poetry). Thanks to everyone that contributed yesterday.
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This work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)
Question of
what if we asked for top level categories and then sub categories?
Question of
What about new unmoderated posts available in an area (unmoderated) if get gets x views or x comments it is moved to the full site?
Question of
Thanks to everyone that commented – great ideas all!!!!
I have been out of Virily as contributor for quite a long time so I think I am not in any position to give opinion on the topic. I want to say, however, that sifting the quality of writers too would help. I read posts before which left me feeling bleh afterwards. I remember you calling out this too in one of your old posts so I will not elaborate. You would know better than I if that still exists today.
it does, plus we have some delightful conspiracy theory posts that make me sad.
The overall quality of many has improved.
Yes (6 votes) – 86%
No (1 votes) – 14%
Yes (5 votes) – 83%
no (1 votes) – 17%
Yes (5 votes) – 83%
no (1 votes) – 17%
I like that idea of sub categories. I can’t remember where I saw that at. I think Hubpages has that, I think! Its been a while since I have been on that site.
hubpages has that as a feature – they have many more categories!
I have to agree with you. For now, I am mostly using Other especially when I am not sure.
i would love more subcategories. As you might imagine I write about technologies in a wide variety of areas and lumping them all together doesn’t really help.
I think if there was a view called unmoderated, all of these stuck authors would be motivated to read at least each other’s posts, and to comment on them.
We would be helping each other to get each other’s posts posted.
If there were bad posts there, not worthy of being posted, they would not get any likes or comments, from other authors.
Comments, likes, and upvotes, would not count from the author themselves, of course.
i do like that – it is a great idea. i suspect the issue will be how the site is run and the code they have underneath, but it is a great idea and it is one we should send to the admin team!
(you replied at the end of another authors thread so I have to respond here).
I don’t have a good answer for you, other than with the issues globally, i suspect the team doing the admin work is stretched very thin right now.
Thanks, for replying. You would also think that a simple plagiarism check could be automated too, so that there would be no hands-on needed.
they normally are, the issue is how the site was developed. As they created a queue for “posts” there is probably a selection that has to occur to run the test.
There used to be an author here on the site that would say if the admins approved the post it must be true.
I know for a fact that the admins don’t actually read the posts. I have asked them to pull offensive posts that they moderated several times. They always do responding sorry, we don’t actually read the posts.
Thanks again. That’s good to know.
The ideas are great. An idea with categories and subcategories I think would be feasible. I don’t know what it would be like with the first idea.
i don’t know either, it is just something I am working through so, i am sharing to see what others think!
I hope you are not working for free and you will succeed at least some idea.
i do hope I am not working for free!
Sounds great if only we could get Admin involved. Hello… anyone home!!! 🙁
my impression is they aren’t or are swamped with something else.
I long for the communication one day.
so my friend do I i wish they would communicate better
Nice to see your views up.
i just noticed – let’s get yours back up
Let me see if I understand this. We go read the ones that have not been approved, Do a little check and give it the mark of approval so staff doesn’t have to?
yes we would focus on setting a limit so 10-12 some number of authors would view and comment on a post, that would move it to the site.
I think these are good ideas, but judging from the LAST TIME i was active, which is a month ago :p That some category will probably have little views and no comments at all. So that say, they’ll never be moved to the official site… or are we to set different criteria for different categories? Or that no matter what you write on, they’ll have the same criteria, which eventually I think users will start posting in certain categories only.
Of course, hopefully the views and activities are getting better now and we won’t have such problem.
i would about that as well – that is one that bothers me. What about categories that have low views even if it is an incredible article.
I don’t know, it is something that is hard to figure out.
Nothing is moderated; not Ver users simply have their posts delayed.
the moderation issue would be gotten rid of for some posts by this new model proposed. All posts would be visible from day one.
They’d have to check… really check as they aren’t doing even now … to prevent hate speech
so you are talking about changing what the moderators do – i get it.
When I saw the article; “The Assignation of JFK” and read it thru… the word ‘assignation’ used about 4 more times, I knew there was no moderation, just delay
but you are defining moderation differently than the site dos. so to be fair you want to change what they do.
i suspect a writing quality board is a good thing, but we all make mistakes.
But! When you post on Thursday and your work doesn’t appear until Monday… isn’t there time to send a memo?
There would be time to write the first chapter of a Novel. But today, they don’t do that and haven’t done that for well since the beginning.
They check for plagiarism,
that is all they check for.
Then they allow the post through.
If that’s all they check, how come it’s taking so long to get posts moderated now??
They run an A.I. plag. prog. when they get around to it. As the point is to limit earnings; they prevent non-ver from posting and play with the earnings of the verified
There is only one flaw in your logic.
1. the site is still getting views and still earning money from ads.
2. There are lots of old posts that are still getting a lot of views.
But the single most critical logical fallacy in your statement. we do not know what the admins are thinking or doing. They don’t communicate with us. Anything else is speculation.
I’m speaking from what I see, experienced.
actually you interpreted intent from a human behavior by definition you didn’t just convey what you see
Short Story made long.
Joined site.
1 Took over 24 hours to be published. If submitted on Thurs. evening, not published until Monday. If it had been moderated a few errors would have been noted and I could have corrected them.
2 Noted many errors in posts I read that a spelling check would have corrected or mistakes a human eye, even an A.I. would have picked up.
3. Having written online from 2000 to now I have had some experience with Triond, Bukisa, Factoidz, Wikinut, Hubpages, Postanyarticle, Dailytwocents, Expertscolumn….etc.
1. The term moderation is one we use as authors. The site calls them approved posts.
moderation has many flavors. Here since they approve their only criteria is that the post is not clearly palgarized.
I get where you are coming from