First of all, in fairness, rant on:
I have been selling things on eBay for more than ten years now. They, eBay have gone downhill in their customer service. But now, their new return policy is set up in such a way that it makes it impossible for me to continue my relationship. I am advertising a few things right now when they sell I am shutting down my eBay account and looking for other places to sell things online.
Rant off
I know letting silly things like that shouldn’t get to me. Water off the ducks back as my father used to say. I won’t go into my decline and fall of customer service rant again either.
I got my second 5g experience yesterday. I was connected to my MiFi via Wireless (WiFI) and the MiFi was connected to the Verizon network via 5g. I was able to download a document and a slide show I needed in less than 2 seconds. (over 49 meg of data). That was amazing, since, I needed the slide show for the meeting and I had left it on the website where we store customer stuff. It was an incredible experience! I had four devices connect (two tables, two phones) and had no performance issue. I updated 23 applications on one of my tablets because I forgot to do it while connected at home. The reality of that was impressive. Next time I am going to also include a meeting (Webex, Teams or GoToMeeting) so I can test that as well.
On the humor side, I was going through cables in my office yesterday at lunch. I realized that I officially have more cables that I need. I probably have had more cables than I needed for many years, but in particular, I realized yesterday that I had more cables than devices. Some of that is having multiple cables to charge phones and tablets. Some of that is that I haven’t thrown cables away.
One of the things I am going to do over the next few days Is get a Goodwill cable box together!
Do you have more than one cable to charge your phone?
Humor, but true words of wisdom my dear friend is- It is what it is!!!! These few powerful words help me on a daily basis. Love the photo!
yeah it is what it is, sad though.
I have heard of but never used eBay.
at this point I would recommend, you never use eBay!!!
I don’t think it’s very popular in Romania!?
it probably isn’t – and less popular in the US now as well!!!
I have heard of but never used eBay. Only Trade Me and that is not much.
I looked at eBay and they are not much better at selling art work than our trade me.
Trade me sells good art work hand done, top price for most $10.00 if you are lucky, so I gave up trying to sell art work on line and for that matter, our NZ art galleries charge 50% commission or even 60% on what you sell plus you have to pay up to $1,000.00 to exhibit your work.
Art does not profit most artists and that is that.
I remember the very first poem I sold (40 years ago) I made 25 bucks.
My grandfather said you need to sell 10 of those a week just to live.
Art, word or beautiful such as what you do, doesn’t pay well.
That is so true, as I have found out. Thanks
I do often wonder why the world has split the way it has. Some artists make far too much money. Some athletes make far too much money.
All teachers make too little money.
Seems sad to me.
Those artists that make money are usually ones that are already famous and born wealthy.
It is if Bob is your Uncle, you make it in the art world, no matter what your art work is like
there are many famous artists that were born into poverty. I do not begrudge them what they earn.
Rather, feel bad that we don’t focus more on those that built the skills (teachers)
I shop through Amazon, camera stuff through Foto24
I do as well! I am just trying to get rid of some tech, from my office and finding eBay has slipped in quality!!
Q: Do you have more than one cable to charge your phone?
Yes (5 votes) – 50%
No (5 votes) – 50%
let me know if you find a better place than ebay
AOL to Yahoo, Yahoo to eBay. I will find another place! Will share when I do!
still waiting on fb to collapse
FB is probably here to stay. They have more than 1.2 billion legitimate accounts world wide.
napster was huge and they’re pretty much dead now
Napster violated at least 2 federal laws, and multiple state laws they were closed legally.
Not the same thing at this point.
fb has broken as many if not more, but you’re right- it is not the same thing, because fb is violating individual rights while napster was violating corporate rights…
Napster violated US Federal and International Copyright laws. FB has not violated a single US or International law to date.
sadly that isn’t a good comparison.
I would argue that you could say Facebook is closer to its former competitor Google + or MySpace in terms of adherence to the law.
fb isn’t violating copyright laws, but they are selling private data and doing other things which are illegal- they’ve had several hearings about it but no real sanctions. it’s apples and oranges, but it would have to be since napster wasn’t social media
they’re only a good comparison when you think about them in terms of size, popularity and malfeasance
Napster at its peak was less than 200 million users.
But the critical difference is the legal reality. Without a huge impact (like Napster had) from a government, FB is not going to topple.
you’re probably right, but I keep hoping something will replace it
replacing it is different, eventually, FB will fail. Amazon will fail. OUt of the 20 huge companies in the IT world today, only 4 are going to be around in 20 years.
hard to imagine Amazon failing, they’ve diversified enough to weather most storms. I remember when they were just books!
There were 500 companies in the Fortune 500 (I know) in 1950. 497 of them are no longer with us.
Few companies become iconic and survive!
gotta admit, it was weird to see Sears and JCP going out of business
It was something I actually predicted in 2009. I worked with Sears holding company right after the KMart merger.
I knew based on the way their IT was working, that they were doomed.
complacency is a symptom of a fatal illness…
They were actually scared. The systems were not going to be merged easily, the two businesses were vastly different.
The IT people started leaving.
oh, I see what you mean. and neither side was willing to give up theirs?
both sides were willing to give up their systems.
Sears was a reputation based company (true value tools and Kenmore appliances were recognized as highest quality)
KMart was a fast low cost transaction company (competing with WalMart) they never really had a good common market.
that doesn’t explain why they couldn’t have a unified system, just why they shouldn’t have merged
Actually, if you think about the two business models it explains both.
KMart wasn’t able to do the reputation based sales, they were under pressure from Walmart and had become a mass move company (sell lots at a low margin).
Sears was, reputation-based and offered things like lifetime warranties. The market pressured KMart to do the same
Hear the sounds of the death bells ringing.
okay, I get what you’re saying now
I am not happy with eBay either. I used to buy there. I am now with Amazon in and very happy
Sorry to about the frustration – I am moving on from eBay as well!
I also like Amazon’s payment mode. They have Amazon pay. Just a click and money gets paid.
yes it is very easy to use. They have built a great platform!
I have yet to try eBay until now.
they used to be great, best auction site on the internet. Not anymore.
I’m sorry that you have a problem with eBay. In our country, eBay is very popular. I have quite a few redundant cables.
perhaps I am recalling the golden days when eBay cared. Oh well.
Customer service rants don’t bother me. I’m glad it’s not just me.
Cables, phones, … you know me – I don’t really have that problem so much.
Side note: We always used to refer to many cables and wires as ‘spaghetti’ in the lighting biz.
we call it spaghetti in the IT biz as well!!!
I am so frustrated with eBay!
I don’t go there much; but, I wonder what would necessitate a change. There is a long standing wildly successful system. The tech world needs a farmer thrown in once in a while. “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.” Tech doesn’t say that much. (no need to explain what it is.)
Actually their tech is pretty solid. Their policies are what kills me now.
A donation box sounds like a good idea. Have a good day Doc. Tick tock. 🙂
everything is done for today. I have a whole list of things that can’t be done until tomorrow!
I have one power cable and one cable in the car, my friend
i have one in my bedroom, one in my office, one in the living room and one in the car. I may have too many,.
If you need them, it’s right to have them handy … when I charge it and if I don’t paint a lot my battery lasts 3 days
sadly mine lasts about a day. But I am on my phone all day.
I understand you … sometimes I don’t even use my phone all day … I forget where I have it
Mine rings all the time, sometimes i stare at it while it rings
I, too, should get a box of Goodwill cables together. I have all kinds. Lots of computer cables, power cords, telephone cords, you name it.
Goodwill sees me coming now, and runs to the car to see what I am donating this time!
Charging cell phone is always been a problem for me , well some time charge from Laptop via Data cable and some time on the original Charger
Apple, Samsung and all the other companies keep saying we are going to one charging cable.
it hasn’t happened yet.