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Alphabet Crazy Cows

These black and white cows are actually Holsteins. They are most quickly recognized by their distinctive color markings and outstanding milk production. My grandparents had them growing up. Always thought their markings were so pretty. They have the highest milk production in the world.

Funny, the title sounds like I am writing about crazy cows. Nope. These cows are pretty smart. Alibb’s Alphabet Crazy challenge is what is crazy. 🙂

After the dairy farm sold out to the housing project, I did not see the cows. But just up to road more neighbors have fields full of these beauties. I am so glad I can still visit these cows.

Photo ©CarolDM

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Written by Carol DM


  1. Here is big farm house of my husband friend.there are many cows and goats, oftenly, we are invited there for delicious BBQ party. That’s great fun there.

    • Thanks, it does seem like a typical farm cow. Love these. My sister collected mugs, ceramic statues, aprons, all kinds of stuff for her kitchen.

  2. We have one around here who rears cows – the only one around Their cows take strolls in front of our gate. And yes, I have taken photos (lol)

  3. We have them in the farming regions of our country, Carol, we also have a similar species, (black and white markings) called Vrieslanders which come from a part of the Netherlands where my ancestors came from. Thanks for sharing.
