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Unexpected Surprise

I have spent a lot of time trying unsuccessfully to take some pictures of butterflies. They are always too fast or too scared to let me close to them. I almost started to give up on this idea, when a few days a go I unexpectedly took a ton of butterfly photos that I’ll be sharing soon. Here’s just one and I am very proud of it. 

The funny thing is that I went on the hunt for bird pictures, but I ended up with butterfly photos. Sometimes you have to slow down, be patient and let happiness come to you. And it may happen when you least expect it.

See also To Catch A Butterfly


What do you think?

32 Points

Written by ellie925


  1. This is usually a very hard insect to shoot because they don’t tell you how long they will sit on a flower. A wonderful photograph, thanks for sharing it.

  2. Your intentions are not always going to be supported by the world around you, but life will always provide you with alternatives. If you’re clever, you can spot the upgrades…

  3. First, good job on this one. Second, don’t give up. I’ve been photographing insects since 1970 and I still botch the photo more often than I get it right.

    Insects are not easy to photograph. For me, that’s what makes it a worthwhile pursuit.

    • Thank you so much for your comment! I agree with you, insects are not easy to take photos of but if the photo is successful, it’s all worth it in the end. 🙂

  4. Lovely post and beautiful photo. Its possible in NZ to raise Monarch Butterflies to grow Swan plants in the garden. Swan plants are milkweed, any milk weed plant will feed them, except the moth ball plant that feeds the caterpillars and kills the butterflies.

    • That’s very interesting! I saw a list of plants that attract butterflies before, and I have some of them, but the first time to take so many photos was in the wild.