The Deserted Trailer Park
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The property is so beautiful as you describe it. Unfortunately, must be abandoned due to cost issues. Like you, I also like to explore lonely places, like abandoned places.
It comes with a hefty price tag and strict zoning. I am grateful for the zoning. It would be leveled with apartments on it by now.
As far as I know in general in a city, indeed there are differences in price between one with other areas. So this area of the property include an expensive area? Surely later the apartment will also be expensive!
I guess the price is about average for here. 5 million for 13 acres. Its in the small town of Vista. Everywhere in San Diego County is expensive. I hope no apartments get put in. I would hate to see it leveled.
There was a time when the dream was alive. Companies would build towns to house their workers and would provide for them with stores and entertainment. Then someone realized you could trap workers (by making them owe the company money to live).
I keep hearing that people want to make America Great again, I am of the opinion that it might be time to make America Great (for the first time.)
Rant off.
I am losing hope in that. I wish I was a good writer, I would write about this topic. I totally agree with you.
Someone with money should buy this area and bring it back! Such a gorgeous place with so many beautiful things left to see.
No doubt, I hope it either sits like it is, or someone buys it that can restore the beauty. I would hate to see it leveled and built on.
Each little pad and yard has different flowers, trees and bushes. Its neat to see what different plants and trees were planted.
I have to admit, I have dug up a few flower bulbs and brought them home. You should see it in the Springtime!
It reminds me of the joke of some of the military bases and cities in the former Canal Zone in Panama. Gone but never forgotten even though it looks like the former television show “Lost.”
Ah yes, I guess it does but not as lush perhaps. lol @ Lost. Lost, lost me when they found the underground stuff, or shortly after.
Lovely post and sad to see that no one who has the money has brought it. It deserves some love. I think it should be a public park. Dogs and Children need some space. The pictures were beautiful
Lovely post and sad to see that no one who has the money has brought it. It deserves some love. I think it should be a public park. Dogs and Children need some space
So many others feel the same way. They did have plans to make a sky rise apartment buildings all throughout, but they wanted to clear it to level. Zoning would not permit this. So maybe there is still hope it will be made into a park someday.
I would love to live here. Wouldnt it be great with a nice house in the middle, and everything cleaned up. The dogs already think its their yard. lol
I to like to wander in old houses and parks and wherever. You never know what treasures you will find. Loved the pictures.
What an interesting and charming place. A little melancholic too, thinking of how it was in times gone by. Great photos and engaging description!
There are many trees and greenery. Let’s hope somebody buys it. Give him a new beautiful look and a new life.
The city wants to turn it into a park but doesnt have the money. I’d like it to be a park. There is a family of falcons living there, some red tailed hawks and bats, plus all these old trees.
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