Russians Angela Nikolau and her boyfriend in travel prefer to climb up skyscrapers rather than sunbath on the beach. The daughter of a tramp acrobat and an adrenaline addict on Instagram tracks more than 400,000 fans thanks to an unusual hobby. People are looking for originality in every business, even though it has come to a halt. This is dangerous for life, and in Russia it is almost “massive sport”. It’s like some prestige in a stale or group of people.

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Courage or madness? Life is one, youth is also one. Some people have no fear of height. Fear of height is called acrophobia. It is one of the ten most common fears in humans. These people obviously do not know such a thing. Attractive to look at with safe distance. But be subject to experience. This is already too much for the stomach. I get some more secure hobbies.
Uhhhhh ….. this is a very dangerous hobby
This definitely isn’t courage to me, but I admire their courage though. However, I wouldn’t be caught dead doing this. I’d much rather channel my courage into more productive things like my business and breaking into a new market.
Somewhere I’ve read that these are the descendants of a circus artist. There are genetics that look like that.
Yeah, I guess that should explain their hunger for such dangerous sports. Lol
Thank you very much for this post.
s for selfie
s for suicide
Some people are looking for adrenaline at all costs.
How in the world did they get up there? I would echo @ellie925’s concern. Here in the Philippines, there was a news item that a student fell off the rooftop of a condominium building when she slipped taking a selfie.
The definition of quality and priorities has disappeared.
This is very interesting. The only thing I don’t like is that kids who don’t really know what they are doing are trying to copy that.
No fear of heights? They have no fear! Give me a deep sea floor…>-=^;>
Beautiful shots, but I think I’d have a serious meltdown lol Great post, Varda!
Every individual has his/her own way of enjoyment. But something might cause the loss of one’s life is another story.
Adrenaline is the driving force of life. Someone is a thirsty of adrenaline.
That scares me just looking at the pic, wow, no fear obviously.
Courage unnecessary. It borders on suicide.
We have some mad Bungy Jumpers in New Zealand and Adrenaline junkies are always around. Great photos but only good as long as these people survive.
I wonder if it’s in the genes.
Me? I’d just use photoshop…
LoL, heheh. You are funny.
Only I’m not joking this time
Herc bi me strefio, ne bi se oporavila, šokirao bi me pogled prema dolje!!!
This sport or hobby is prestige in Russia. A ona je kćerka cirkuskog akrobata, to joj je u genima.
Madness definitely for me.I have some stomach pain just looking at the photo . Climbing up ? No, thanks 🙂
Not Me lol lol! I can zipline and think I have conquer my fear of heights, but I am not that brave.
Great photos and great courage for those two!
Amazing stuff they are up to! Beautiful post, adventure …
There are many levels of insanity, but those kids reached them all. 😀
Excellent photo ..but it’s all too risky …
Beautiful, but for me… no, no, no! I prefer to be very close to the ground and not in heights like this!
Very nice keep it up
Amazing stuff they are up to!
beautiful post, adventure … how much adrenaline is there?
Stunning photos and post..