
Love ItLove It

Choose your Choose your unique way

The road to ourselves would seem so natural and simple, but so often as we grow up, we are just moving away from ourselves, losing our way and wandering the paths in the thicket of the forest, stumbling on pebbles feeling confused and lost.

We are so concerned to navigate the hazy landmarks that others have marked on the road but which sometimes appear only mirages, we still try to keep up…

We don’t even ask ourselves if we need it and what we really want, because we have to do “what is required”. We may have long forgotten what it means to feel peace and harmony with ourselves and the world.

We all have fears, but we also have courage; we have flaws, but we also have unique abilities; love and hate live in each of us, and each of us needs both solitude and being with others.

The difficulties arise when we allow ourselves to see only one side. But in a safe space, we are slowly gaining the courage to know and make friends with this whole.

© Fortune, 2020

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Written by Fortune


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