What do you do if you don’t have snow for Christmas? You go to the beach while the Turkey is baking and make a sand snowman! It was around 75 degrees on Christmas this year. My two sons, daughter in law and grandson headed to the beach after opening presents.
Here is our day in pictures. This is where the sand snowman will go. Seagull approved!
Some of the photos are taken by my daughter in law, some are taken by me. Most of the photos were from her, as I was getting too sandy to take photos. lol
Here we are starting the base of the snowman, this is my oldest son and myself.
The main ingredient is add water!
And start sculpting, I love playing in the sand. lol
The shape is starting to form.
My youngest son and grandson carried a lot of water then set out to play in the water.
The seagulls were eyeing my carrot…
The water is 72 degrees.. Warm enough.
After you get used to it that is.
Beach fun!
Happy Christmas day!
The joy of watching your grandchild play in the water is tops! I kept glancing up from sandman building and watched my daughter in law take shots of my grandson playing. It is so nice having someone else take pictures as well. I got to have fun building a sandman.
Here is the finished product.
I thought he was cute, which required a group photo!
And a few more..
As soon as we finished our photo session, others were waiting for their picture with our sandman!
We left our sandman for others to enjoy, until the tide comes in to wash him away.
Our other sand man!
I hope you had a great day as well. : )
Nice pictures! Nice post!
Right on Branka, and thank you for bringing my sandman back to life!
All pictures are awesome
Thank you Lorso! Good to see you!
Nice pictures! Nice post!
Thanks a bunch Georgi!
I will make you a deal, I will trade you all that sand for the white Christmas we had. 2 inches of the white stuff and a high of 26 degrees Christmas day.
In that trade, you owe me 46 degrees!!!!!
NO doc. That stuff is cold! lol I get cold when the temp dips under 70!
I guess you are bogarting the sun then. I guess I will just have to freeze. 🙁
lol Doc. But it’s a winter wonderland! I remember one winter in Arkansas that was warm, the trees budded in Feb. It ruined a bunch of the buds since it froze again.
Sounds like a fun Christmas! Would love to build a sand snow man rather than one made out of snow! Thanks for sharing with us 🙂
Snow men are easier, but sandmen are way more fun and it was warm, no layering.
I’ve never even been to a beach! But sounds nice for sure!
Enter sandman, eh? Nice work…
And ta da! Thank you Alex : D
Give us a nice curtsey and let us shower you with flowers
the sandman needs some shells for buttons and sticks for arms. and maybe a seaweed scarf.
Funny you should say that Fifi. We think alike. I had a bow I put on him after the pictures, I had forgotten it. The people that came to take pics after us got the best ones. We had a turkey in the oven, and it took longer than I expected, so we got this much done and had to get back quick. Yes I wanted to do a scarf, and sticks for arms but trying to put a stick in after created a disaster, and we had to leave them off. I have seen people sculpt the arms in laying over the stomach. Next year we will plan for more time weather permitting.
oh, i forgot, there are also those broken glass pieces that are swept on the shore. they can also make interesting sandman decor.
ah yes, no doubt, Next year its ON!!
What a heart-warming post and beautiful photos! This looks like a fun way to celebrate! Happy Holidays!
No frozen fingers or noses! It was a lot of fun!! I want to do more sculpting now.
Fun and beautiful day! I’m happy with your joy and yours, Kim!
It was a blast! I hope you had a great day as well. : )
Yeah, of course, Kim. Thanks a lot
I had not seen this on the beach by the sea. I can offer the idea of my grandchildren.
Yes, Elenka. They will have a lot of fun, just tell them to pull up sand sculpting videos for a how to.
looks super fun that made a great memory to reflect upon
It was soooo much fun! Way more fun than Id even imagined.
What a fun way to spend Christmas. And the beach is absolutely beautiful Kim!
Thanks for sharing your family with us.
Thank you Carol! We used to go to the beach if it was nice on Christmas, but this was way fun! I would love to do this each year!
Okay we started out with 6 inches of snow, got 16 additional, the 8 more inches. We just made a snow fort.
Snow forts are way cool! I like going in and looking up. You can see the light coming through the snow, Well in ours we did hahaha. We made one years ago, when I lived in Arkansas.
Ha! That is totally funny and I never saw one of those before.
I have seen pictures of these. So I pulled up some videos to see how they did those big sculptures. It worked! I want to do more things now!
One thing that the sand castle people do is mix sugar with the water they use to wet the sand or spray over the top of the sand or something (I think). I better look that up but I believe I read that ….
I couldn’t verify that but I remember reading about sugar water in the spray bottle at sand castle contests. I found this though – try it out on the kids – https://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2002/11jul_mgm/
Interesting sugar… A spray bottle would really really help!
Well now I know how it happens, and why. That was a really interesting read.