<a data-snax-placeholder="Source" class="snax-figure-source" href="https://pixabay.com/en/painting-art-landscape-acrylic-342116/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">https://pixabay.com/en/painting-art-landscape-acrylic-342116/</a>
I am not good at painting, unfortunately.
♦ What about you? Do you have the painting talent?
♦ If yes, what do you like to paint?
♦ Maybe a portrait of someone you admire?
♦ Or maybe a beautiful view of nature?
♦ Or maybe a still-life painting?
♦ Or maybe animals?
♦ Or maybe old buildings?
♦ Or maybe anything?
<a data-snax-placeholder="Source" class="snax-figure-source" href="https://pixabay.com/it/risultato-viaggi-opere-futurista-1455855/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">https://pixabay.com/it/risultato-viaggi-opere-futurista-1455855/</a>
A friend of mine is very good at painting. Beautiful everyday objects always inspire her. She works best mostly alone, at strange hours. When she was a kid, drawing was one of her favorite activities. Her paintings are so unique! She was born with this natural talent. Her favorite quote is:
“Painting is the silence of thought and the music of sight ” by Orhan Pamuk.
<a data-snax-placeholder="Source" class="snax-figure-source" href="https://pixabay.com/en/girls-black-and-white-hand-painted-2142221/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">https://pixabay.com/en/girls-black-and-white-hand-painted-2142221/</a>
I should like to paint a portrait of someone I admire, but sadly I cannot paint. I mean I really am bad.
I am a horrible painter, but I lover to do it.
wow beauty!
Thank you, Ngoc
I love to piant. traditionally and digitally. Mostly do digital these days. love to create animals and hybrids.
That is wonderful, Daniel! Congrats!
I paint wildlife in oils. Not real well, but I do paint.
That is great, Kim. Congrats!
I’ve never tried painting but I think it’s very fun!
I agree with you, Gina
I am always interested in seeing hand drawings, painting, comic and started drawing since children, I even graduated from design school, unfortunately I work in other fields other than being a designer or a painter… so what’s your problem my friend?
You have wonderful interests, Albert!
I am good at sketching and . . . . . maybe painting. the last time I painted something it was semi-Gothic.
I had sketched a sword that somehow changed into something Gothic when I did a water color version of it. but that was so long ago it as well be another life time.
That is great, Vin Chauhun. Congrats!
Hopefully I will be able to find one the sketches tomorrow, then I can post it here.
Great, Vin! Waiting for it.
I used to pencil portraits and wildlife sketches. Great post!
Hi Andre,
Maybe you can share some of your sketches with us ?
That is great, Andre. Glad to hear that you found this post great. It’s very kind of you.
I am not good at painting or drawing. That’s why I stick to graphic art. Great post 🙂
ain’t nothing wrong with graphic art
I see, MommyofEli. Glad to hear that you found this post great 🙂 You are very kind.
Words of confidence ? thank you dear
I try when it comes to painting, my drawing are so-so
So you try: that is important, Kathy. Thank you.
The important thing is that you actually try. Some folks don’t even bother. They say they are no good at something before even trying.
I started to draw early in my childhood but I am too attracted to many things so I never spent much on developing through constant work this skill. I draw when I feel like, trying to illustrate my stories or stories that inspire me. I find words closer and more at hand for me. If I were to be born these years, I would’ve learned to draw on computer and make animation. That was always my dream: make animation movies about my stories or stories I love.
Hope that your dream comes true soon, Kate. Thank you.
I think it would be great if we could see some of your paintings and artwork
I see, Blue. Thank you
I am not good at painting, either.
Glad you found it beautiful, Olga. Thank you.
I have never tried painting
I see, Edith. Thank you.
Then there is no harm in trying 😉
I also am not a good painter
You are not alone, vidocka!
Not good at painting but I love photography.
I love photography, too Carol.
I can not even paint a tree well.
Really lacho?
Thank you txatxy. Good morning to you too
beautiful good morning