First off, today is the launch of Phase II of the mover’s project. I have looked at a new thing (fastest to 100 views) and the continued comment monitoring. Those can be watched and easily tracked. We could argue that there is no correlation, correctly between people commenting and comments other people and that is fair. What I look at is what do people do over 30 or more posts. It gives a decent view of the impact of one person’s comments. All of this said, there are always variables. So today, I am opening the door to let in the light. Or more properly, I am inviting the thoughts of the community. I did want to address a couple of the excellent comments from the Phase 1 post.
1. We only measure active posts. That means, of course, those whose posts are approved by the moderators, don’t appear to have the same standing as others. I want to assure everyone that I check posts by many authors and I do not always look at current posts. I try to see what the trend has been over time rather than simply only looking at current posts.
2. This means that a number of you will see views without comments today and tomorrow. I promise that if I read your post I commented on it already, I am simply checking some of your older posts to see what and if the impact of various authors was on your post.
So let’s see what people want to know about. I am going to ask a bunch of questions in the poll, to see where we end up.
I did want to clarify my comment about comments yesterday.
What I meant to say was this-
People that comment (I like this post) and then submit the comment. Then come back, or are still there and add another comment to the first (I like Tuesday’s they are great days). Then still on the post, they add another sentence as a reply to their original (but of course, today is Wednesday). In other words, the person has created three comments, that are one comment. They didn’t comment, leave the post, come back the comment, leave the post come back and comment. They did the three, six, however many comments they posted in one view.
Why do you care?
You, as the author lost virils and views overall. Yes, you gained comments, but ultimately you now have more notifications and more things you have to comment on please note that is wholly my opinion.
This doesn’t apply to the inability to edit our comments, you make a mistake, and you clarify that in a second comment. That happens to all of us and is perfectly fine!
Question of
Was fastest to 100 views on a post valuable to you?
Question of
Do you use the if people don’t comment you don’t comment rule?
Question of
Would you like to see if time of day for articles adds or reduces views?
I have to say I appreciate the patience and the time devoted to the analysis ?
it has fun moments. thanks pixie!
If I’am not bogged down I try to read everyones, especially the ones that comment as a thank you to them. Unfortunately I do not have the time to go through all of their articles, but I try to go through at least 3 when I have the time , so that I can continue with others. As I write this, i’am not in the mood to do anything today, but catch up on writings ; )
you have to have time for your life! Do what you can do!
The first thing I do when Iog onto Virily is read the comments made on my posts, and answer them. I click like if no answer is needed so they know I have read their comment. Then I go to the three posts on the right hand side under the Most Commented section. Then I do a search of any challenges I have going on, and comment on those posts. I then go to the Quizzes, and play all of those that I like. Then I go to the Latest and read, like and or comment on the posts of people I know and who visit my posts. Then I read the latest on the articles that interest me. I do skip over the people that never reply back to their own posts. Other than that I really am terrible at paying attention to the workings of why things happen here, that’s why I always try to read your posts on the subject of Virily.
thank you for the kind words!
I like your system – honestly, you should write an article about it!!!!
You’re quite welcome. I still miss too many posts this way though Doc. I forgot to mention, I only visit Virily in the mornings before I go to work, and a little longer on my days off.
i do the same thing. I am also limiting myself to no more than 2 hours a day. but that is more personal than anything.
Q: Was fastest to 100 views on a post valuable to you?
Yes (7 votes) – 70%
No (3 votes) – 30%
Q: Do you use the if people don’t comment you don’t comment rule?
Yes (1 votes) – 10%
No (9 votes) – 90%
Q: Would you like to see if time of day for articles adds or reduces views?
Yes (6 votes) – 67%
No (3 votes) – 33%
it is interesting the splits for this poll.
I wonder if 100 views, drives views on other posts or is specific to the original post (I have no way to test this).
I come here when I can but have to do a lot of work editing photos as I have just taken hundreds of photos.
well first, are you saying we are about to get more of your bird and the sites of NZ posts?
I do often wonder about the amount of effort we put into posting.
To be very frank, my comments have nothing to do with “who comments on my post” I comment only when I have enough time to do so. I make it a point to go back and comment on every post that I like irrespective the author ever came to my pages. I go back to reply but seldom make another comment.
that is the rule I operate under as well, I have a goal of getting to reading 30 authors a day. I am slowly getting there. But at the same time, other than the weekends, my time for Virily is limited.
I first look at the posts of members who have viewed or commented on my posts. Then I look at the posts of the other members. Of course, as time permits. I write one comment and try to answer all the comments.
Thanks Vidocka!!!
I am really curious where the rule came from in the first place. I know many writers follow it, many do not.
I only comment on posts that are interesting to me regardless of the author. But sometimes I have no time to comment on many posts.
i know that feeling, I have really been trying to get to 30 posts a day. But my rule is I comment on everything I read. That makes it really hard to match time available to posts read and commented!
I do my best to post and share and comment and reply. It is difficult to get to all the posts of those I follow and know here but I do the best I can.
Thanks! I am always trying to figure out how people are using Virily!
I have some positive and kind people to whom I always look and comment on all their posts …. to the rest as far as time allows me
i am trying to get to 30 different authors a day, but I have some that I always try to catch their new posts.
You are one of those!!!
Honestly, I am just here to post, share and read other posts. Good job on your project.
I would argue that is one of the reasons why you are the top mover and have been the last two times I’ve done this.
I would like to see how this pans out. Interesting!
Thanks. I’ve done it twice before. It really helps people understand how the site flows.
I do have my favorites you included, but I try to go to the latest daily and scroll and comment on those as much as possible.
i do the same thing, try to get to 30 a day. I am not there yet.