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The growing reality of connected medical devices…

There is an interesting new technology area, and I thought I would wander that area a bit today. Medical Technology is interesting. There are now digital EKG devices (Kardio is one) and digital stethoscopes (EKO) in the market. I have talked a couple of times about the Kinda Thermometer also a digital device. Doctors can get, gather and improve the overall treatment of patients. Simply by collecting more information, the doctor can provide better care. There is also a medical software package called EpOcartes that gives information about drug interactions. More and more information available for helping us deal with medical issues before, during and after they impact us!

One of the reasons for this post today is the interesting difference in medical tech and the security issue that presents. For example, many people now have pacemakers that regulate the beat of their hearts to regulate their heartbeat. It is possible, although very difficult for a hacker to gain control of the device and stop your heart or modify how the pacemaker is modifying your heart. That reality is a little scary overall. That someone can find out information about you, that normally only your doctor would know. The issue is also compounded by the reality of a pacemaker, and You don’t have a login in for the device. So you can’t increase the security of the device by creating a more complex password.

But connected devices are good in the sense that your doctor will get more information about you.  The other issue with that is that the hacker can gain information about you. Only a few hackers attempt to control medical devices. For the most part a hacker would be more interested in gaining information about someone. Presidential candidates, politicians, CEOs and business leaders all have information in medical devices that could be captured and sold. A CEO with a heart condition of a company about to go public because of that CEO might change the opening IPO or initial public offering price significantly. Information is one thing that hackers love to have. Something I know about you can be lucrative.

  • Question of

    Connected thermometers are valuable they can tell if what illnesses are in your are. Right?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    did you know that newer pacemakers are connected to the internet?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    eKG and other heart information would be bad if it got out right?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Other than your partner, does any one else know about your health issues?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Would you wear a connected medical device?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

18 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I would wear one if I had a heart condition. I will not wear one for monitoring sugar levels. The idea of having that round thing on my arm all the time and the needle under your skin just creeps me out. I would much rather stick myself. I would also say no to the implant. Surgery or stick yourself? I chose sticking myself again.
    The advances in medical technology are truly awesome. Amazing, what we can do now. Wonder what’s next. This is exciting.

  2. Despite the risks I would still wear an internet connected device as I think the benefits outweigh the bad side. My father had a pacemaker. He would have had no quality of life without it.

  3. Q: Connected thermometers are valuable they can tell if what illnesses are in your are. Right?
    Yes (9 votes) – 90%
    No (1 votes) – 10%
    Q: did you know that newer pacemakers are connected to the internet?
    Yes (4 votes) – 40%
    No (6 votes) – 60%
    Q: eKG and other heart information would be bad if it got out right?
    Yes (6 votes) – 75%
    No (2 votes) – 25%
    Q: Other than your partner, does any one else know about your health issues?
    Yes (4 votes) – 50%
    No (4 votes) – 50%
    Q: Would you wear a connected medical device?
    Yes (5 votes) – 63%
    No (3 votes) – 38%

  4. I get the wifi pacemaker, but the password debacle is a dealbreaker. I have the password and if you want info, I will give it to you is the only responsible model

    there’s an update? I will flash the pacemaker myself…

  5. Great news post, dear friend … just like everywhere else in healthcare, technology is making great progress … when it comes to life, I would give anything or myself that doctors would advise me on

  6. Technology continues to amaze with what can be done to save lives. I would definitely wear whatever I needed to if it would improve a medical condition.
