Over the last two weeks, the tight activity is tiring enough for the body and mind. Maybe that’s why today my mind is so dark end and it’s hard to call an idea to flow.
But I cannot be resigned and miss this kind of challenge just gone by. So I kept pushing myself to write after I calmed down and relaxed for a moment. Then the idea came up, but still, I did not feel well enough to put it in writing as usual. One post I’ve posted and this is the second article that intends to ask your opinion about fatigue, deadlock ideas and the like.
Question of
In a situation of fatigue, do you consume certain supplements?
Question of
Have you ever run out of ideas to write?
Question of
Do you let the situation pass until your spirit and ideas reappear by itself?
Question of
Or you push your self in such a way to write something?
Users voted 10 times.
Q: In a situation of fatigue, do you consume certain supplements?
Yes (7 votes) – 64%
No (4 votes) – 36%
Q: Have you ever run out of ideas to write?
Yes (9 votes) – 90%
No (1 votes) – 10%
Q: Do you let the situation pass until your spirit and ideas reappear by itself?
Yes (10 votes) – 100%
Q: Or you push your self in such a way to write something?
Yes (3 votes) – 30%
No (7 votes) – 70%
Fatigue can cause writer’s block, so meditate and watch your creativity flow.
Thank you for your thought and great suggestion.
Very interesting post & poll!!! You know, it’s such a common situation for me when I run out of ideas to write… So I have enough time for writing post, I try to switch to other things (housework, walks, etc.) As a rule, it helps very mich, the ideas appear very fast after it. If I have deadlines, try to push myself, and very often “appetite comes with eating”.
Thank you for your appreciation, Anastasia. Your idea to have many activities to do is good. As you know, generally I have specific theme in almost all of my writting and usually I rarely losing idea to write about it for all those comes from experiences, outward life and within, but on certain situation like the time I posted this, I really have nothing to say as usual, maybe because I was too tired…
Apparently, sometimes we have the same thing; write and post something even though that’s not what we want to post… Hehe…
I think so. But on the other hand, inappropriate times are challenges and special lessons as well.
I think to do something in the appropriate moments good in general as long as the ideas, willingness, and the purpose is wise. On the other hand, sometimes we never really know when the appropriate moment is.
In that context, you are very right, Tas.
I have several canned ideas I have for future dry spells.
It seems very interesting to have lots of stock of such ideas…
That comes from my grandfather many years ago. He used to say store extra when you have it, you will need it later!
You have got a precious heritage, Coach!
Thank you, Albert. Everyone deserves someone who cares, guides and loves them, as them!
Funny you should ask. I have a deadline to have a product review post written by Wednesday, and although I had a great idea last week, I can’t remember it now. I’m waiting for inspiration to strike. If it doesn’t I’ll still have to come up with something.
By asking, I write too, right? Hahaha… Actually, there are so many words that come to mind for me every day to be an idea for the theme or title of a writing, but sometimes they just disappear.
I haven’t remembered my original idea, but I’ve come up with a better one I can use over and over. I’m going to have to drag myself away from Virily and start writing.
I think writing is an important thing to do, Barbara.
I always look for new ideas but sometimes I don’t. It depends. When I run out of ideas I do something else.
I agree with the idea of doing something else because it is a good diversion to refresh the mind.
When I finish a fan fiction or do a blog, I need to step back and find a new challenge.
It’s also a way to revisit in many good and inspirational perspectives as well, Dee…
That is true since most movies today are basically soap operas while my stories have a musical ending or a smart aleck remark from one of the characters.
In that case, you have a wise taste.
Thank you since I am from the era of great entertainment.
Sometimes I will revisit s previous idea or story when I am going through that unrefreshed lapse and think of some detail or aspect of the story I forgot to write about. Or maybe I’m just old and forgetful and tell the same stories over and over with new titles and recently remembered details…
That’s a good idea and inspirational method, Paul.
With the long boundaries of existing writing, each experience must still have many sides that can be highlighted and written as well
Yes, run out of ideas is a common thing, try to think out of the box.
Totally agree and thanks, Tiada.
And I have moments, I’m waiting for them to go … and I’ll be back soon
Thanks for your input, Branka.
I just feel curious and challenged after sitting before the laptop and none of the ideas appear, even the idea that I have previously thought has evaporated somewhere.
I knew there was a little something off with you today, even as preoccupied as I have been with these birds. Take a break if you need to, then you can always catch up on the challenge. Take care of YOU! 🙂
The deadlock of an idea is a special challenge for me and I try to understand and overcome it, over and over again. Thank you for your attention, Carol.
I understand and you are very welcome.