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My review of the Square Point of Sale for your phone.

I know a lot of folks here on Virily also sell crafts and other things. Have you considered the Square solution? Square allows you to turn your phone into a POS. A POS is a point of sale, in the craft fair, flea market world square is a great toolset to add. I have an account, and while I only use it on occasion, it has saved me time several times. The solution is based on a card reader. It does not have a chip reader, but it does support the swiping of the card. The Square software is easy to setup. The advantage of the software is that you as a small business person can send frequent customers an invoice. Or, you can right there at the craft fair accept credit cards!

The reality of using a Point of Sale, is you have some risk and some security benefits. Based on that, we should discuss the risks and benefits.


•You can take credit card payments anywhere

•You are not forced to carry a lot of cash with you

•You have a permanent record (for taxes) of sales and payments


•You have no way of knowing if a credit card was stolen and may accept stolen cards for payments.

•There is no chip reader which reduces the security a little

I’ve been using square since they first came out (more than nine years ago). I take around ten payments in a two-year period. My mother, who makes and sells quilts uses Square as well. She takes between 25 and up to 40 payments per quilt show (they do 2-3 a year) She is overall happy with the solution. I have a couple of concerns. The device itself is not re-enforced. I wish it would have a remote Bluetooth dongle as the reader rather than plugging into the USB port of the phone. Anytime you have to hold a phone at an odd angle you increase the risk of dropping it. A Bluetooth card reader would also allow for the use of chips in the newer credit cards which increases the overall security of the transaction.

Overall my rating of the Square Point of Sale system is a 7 out of 10.

  • Question of

    Do you ever sell things at flea sales?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you ever sell things at craft fairs?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    have you ever been disappointed that you couldn’t buy fleas at a flea sale?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Is there a reason to buy fleas?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you think you would ever use a portable POS?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

19 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Q: Do you ever sell things at flea sales?
    Yes (2 votes) – 25%
    No (6 votes) – 75%
    Q: Do you ever sell things at craft fairs?
    Yes (1 votes) – 13%
    No (7 votes) – 88%
    Q: have you ever been disappointed that you couldn’t buy fleas at a flea sale?
    Yes (2 votes) – 25%
    No (6 votes) – 75%
    Q: Is there a reason to buy fleas?
    Yes (1 votes) – 14%
    No (6 votes) – 86%
    Q: Do you think you would ever use a portable POS?
    Yes (1 votes) – 14%
    No (6 votes) – 86%

  2. I am not sure how to use it. At the moment I am feeling rather disappointed with the way it is for artists and photographers in New Zealand.
    The people here have it all sewn up, only rich and famous sell their art work.
    Craft fairs, well, you need more time that what I have plus you need to put up a lot of money for the stall, then sometimes you sell nothing, actually most of the time
    They look at craft and then say either 2 things I can do that or else I can get a picture cheaper at the $2 store sold by Asians.

      • Yes, well the rich elite make sure our market is only about them for creativity. Oddly enough, a lot don’t like the art work in our art galleries, because the art that is being sold, I would not want on my wall.
        The art work we have in galleries being on display and winning prized is frankly depressing..
        So I am wondering if things could take a turn for the better in the future..?

  3. I would have no use for a POS program; but I’m sure there are some people here that would. I’m glad they don’t sell fleas at the flea market. 🙂 Thank you for posting the pros and cons.

  4. I’m kidding about that!… I used to be responsible for Point of Purchase displays. Tangible ones.
    I love how things have become ethereal and yet real at the same time.
