I want to start my piece today with a HUGE APOLOGY. I mentioned that the admins had removed the credit for opening and viewing the posts of other authors due to overcommitting. I did not intend that to be anything other than merely pointing out that had happened about five months ago. I offended part of the Random Comment them, and I did not mean to. I am very sorry; the Random Comments are excellent; hopefully, you read this and accept my sincere apology. I am very sorry what I said has nothing to do with what you are doing now.
A great comment on my last post in this series with the result of “it is too bad the bad behavior of a few impacts the whole.” I paraphrased the comment a bit. It is a critical thing to consider. If someone does something once, it happens. If they do something twice, that isn’t good. But when they do it three times or more, then it is wilful and with intent. I suspect what we need on the site is the ability to have the admins remove the willful intent issue. The bad behavior of one shouldn’t impact the whole. I think that is an exciting idea, and I wanted to present it to the community to start a discussion around the idea of what can we do? I think an editorial board precisely without some of the authors guilty of the lousy behaviors, to help the admins with site standards. The logic for not including the bad actors in the process is as my grandfather always used to say, “when you put the fox in charge of the chicken coup, don’t complain when all the chickens are gone.” Or more plaining the Leopard can’t change its spots.
Please feel free to comment on the two ideas that we have been punished by the bad behavior of a few authors and that it is time to do things differently.
Finally, views are ticking up again slowly. We are down several authors right now; some of that is time and, of course, the long vacation period in Europe. Hopefully, they will return invigorated with lots of fun stories to share.
Remember, there are no authors on this site that should ever PM you telling you what is or isn’t right on this site. That, what I just said is the only thing I know about this site to be sure. Nobody knows precisely what the rules are. So to join Carol’s bandwagon, we need more communication.
If I have missed something that can be a great ask, please include it in the comments.
This work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)
It is easy to offend inadvertently. After apologising and explaining, we can only hope that the offended person will take on board that their offence was not your intent. It’s worth bearing in mind that we can all overreact and take offence where none is intended.
Luckily my apology was accepted (which is good) I am not holding my breath on a miracle apology coming my way.
You are the great informer. You have never offended anyone on purpose and we all know it.
i try, it happens. I can be a bit “unaccepting” when people tell half-truths.
Yes (8 votes) – 100%
Yes (9 votes) – 100%
Yes (9 votes) – 100%
Yes (8 votes) – 100%
Yes (7 votes) – 100%
Yes (6 votes) – 86%
no (1 votes) – 14%
Yes (7 votes) – 100%
Thank you for that Doc. You have no need to apologize to me because you have never offended me or said anything about my behavior. Thank you for your input.
thanks – i am hoping we can affect a positive change here on the site!
I thought a lot about writing this comment, because I know that in most cases sincerity is not accepted. I don’t think the edit button will ever come back, because it wasn’t used correctly! Personally, I used the edit button only to edit the posts in the open lists category in which the pictures did not appear.
I would like to remind you that the ability to edit posts with errors has been removed after you made a post (https://virily.com/virily_poll/4-options-to-consider-for-what-to-do-with-old-posts/) in which you give tips on how to use the edit button to bring back old posts. I remember perfectly that the edit button was removed after you published that post! Not all the advice you give is beneficial. Forgive me for telling you! It is not good to give advice when you are not asked! (You can block me if you want but I felt I had to say about all these tips you repeat)
So i fought to get the edit button, then fought people for using it incorrectly and tried to help people reposition it, and all you remember is that the button was pulled as I published my how to use edit post?
seriously? I don’t comment on your posts anymore. The rate of return is too low. I looked and I comment on 10,12 of your posts and you commented on one of mine. I gave up on that.
It isn’t sincere to remember one part of a story. Its actually a little petty.
I have basically nothing to add to your suggestions as I do not know exactly what all the fuss is about. Sorry… I only come in once in a while now as I am still waiting for my darn cataract surgery. At the rate things are going especially with the likelihood that here we are experiencing a second wave of COVID 19, I will be able to come on the site only once in a while for a very longer time. Good luck with your suggestions and keep up the good work you are doing.
i am not sure there is a fuss we are just trying to make the site better!
I am so sorry about your surgery. Hopefully before the fall!!!
I am not sure what all the fuss is about.
Surely, the Admin could be smart enough to allow editing and drafts, and work out some way where this couldn’t be gamed too.
It shouldn’t be too hard for anyone skilled in these things, for, after-all, all writers should be able to edit their own posts.
well the issue we have is that sometimes people don’t understand the impact of their actions. we had and lost the edit button because of that.
if we don’t tell the admins what we want they will never know!
Yes, that’s true. We need to point out these things, and then let them fix the points.
At least give them the opportunity to fix them, that is…..
they have fixed some of our asks, some not so much.
i suspect overall we are more than 60% successful.
Best of luck with your suggestions.
thanks – would truly hope they listen to us again
Great suggestions once again. God luck with these!
will keep fighting until the end!
As usual, I agree with you. I have already mentioned in one comment that we are all punished for one member. I hope some authors really come back.
i think the time of punishment for one bad actor has to end.
i carried it into the poll, I liked it!
I totally agree with you. I hope the administrators will understand this as well.
i am trying, the site is gaining views but we are also suffering from negative posts. i don’t know how to help now.
I thought we were done with negative posts. I haven’t seen any posts in a while.
sadly we have posts now that are conspiracy theory posts that make our site look really bad.
This is really sad. I thought these posts were over.
they have gotten way worse and there are more of them every day.
I didn’t notice them. I need to be more careful.
you are a very kind person I don’t think you would even open posts like that.
I think you are right. I am very angry about such posts. This is not good for my health.
i would stay away from them! we will make it through this
I agree, I would ignore such a post. We have been through a lot already and we will do that too.
we shall overcome – i agree!
I voucher that there should be an editorial team to review authors. They should warn an author about three times before they suspend their account, as is the case in other sites.
my gut is they won’t because that is expensive, but I do love the idea. Would you like me to add that to the poll for next time?
Yes, I would like if you can include it to gauge author’s view on it.
will do, in the poll coming out later today!
We are very much on the same page… same word. I feel that many people here don’t really read or write English well so post more or less an amenity to signify they saw your post.
i do often find that to be the case. it can be hard sometimes. English is not an easy language.
I think some are learning English and will see a post, maybe not understand it, and leave an amenity
i suspect you are correct, but at that point there is more value in simply saying thanks for sharing this.
Some copy the phrase and post it over and again. And I copy the phrase; “Thank you for reading and commenting on my post” over and again.
i haven’t seen that happen too often, but it is a risk.