The time for quiet is over. I am tired of this, and I cannot take it anymore. Admins, please approve posts. Writers are waiting for 20, 24, or more days for their positions deserve to be treated better than that. If my home office had a window, I would run to it, open the window and shout to the world I am tried of this, please approve posts.
I don’t have a window in my home office.
But I am still tired of this. Originally the concept of a members-only area where pending posts would be visible was one that we sent to the admins about two months ago (not quite). The simple system would be, if you are a member, you will have the option to go and view posts from members that are not currently verified. This would speed up approval. Plagiarism checks could be run against the entire site. A bar would move from pending to published upon receiving a certain number of licenses. We could even say that an author cannot approve their content (I could see people using that as an excuse to well, publish their stuff).
With limits, I could see less abuse in a system like that then we have now.
I commit to being here on this site as long as my friends stay, and there are posts to read. I commit to replying to every comment made on my posts. I commit to commenting on everyone who takes the time to leave a comment on my posts. I will not give up, But I am not going to be quiet anymore. I find the situation with the admin team to be bad at best. We have no trust between that group and the authors. While trust isn’t critical, it helps when communication is lacking. I know that many of you feel the way I do. I am sorry now that it has come to this. But, honestly, I know that the only way to get things done sometimes is to be the squeaky wheel.
So here we go – squeak. Admins approve the posts!
This work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)
Question of
are you tired of this?
Question of
Let’s be loud ok?
Question of
we can take this but the admins need to help, right?
Sorry to hear many cant get their posts approved, that is not fair..
I left this site long ago. If you want a place to write that is more dependable, honest and pays better, try Vocal.
Interesting post, I’ll definitely have to give it some more thought…
we can only do so much as authors we are limited in the end.
I wish you and Carol were able to approve writings. You both have good work ethic on the site as far as your commitment for it to be better.
i suspect there are several writers that should probably have the rights to review and approve posts!
If that is possible, but they dont need many. I personally would recommend you, Ghost, and Carol.
Controversy always creates more buzz. The admins are just creating controversy by waiting 3 weeks to approve posts.
it would be funny if you were right. Honestly, i hope you are.
The realm of social media has already jumped the shark. Manufactured buzz is now the norm
A sad state of affairs. it does not speak well of this site.
Yes (2 votes) – 100%
Yes (2 votes) – 100%
Yes (2 votes) – 100%
Doc, you just need an injection of hope, and being Doc Andersen, perhaps the sharp end of your stick doesn’t affect the numb backsides of the Admin staff, so much these days.
Dear Virily,
I have 3 posts awaiting moderation.
What is causing such a massive delay in moderation right now?
It is discouraging, and stopping me from further writing.
Is the site still going to continue long-term, or not, or is it on its last legs, last days now, trying to just hang in there, because that’s what it seems like to me?
Steve Marshall, a long-time writer, and member here, aka the Dunce.
i still have hope, it is how I manage to continue this fight. i am however so disappointed, I enjoy reading your stories and conversing with you. It bothers me that your voice is limited right now.
Well, it is not limited (my voice) on your posts, maybe too much at times…lol…
Your replies always stretch my thinking to include more too. I appreciate being so stretched.
that is the reality of conversation – we are able to exchange and grow ideas like flowers!
Yes, some of us are roses, some daffodils, but conversation, including all flower types, makes for a more beautiful garden.
have you ever watched the movie being there with peter sellers?
No, I am not a great movie buff, preferring to read stuff instead.
I think this quote comes from out of that movie:
“In the garden, growth has it seasons. First comes spring and summer, but then we have fall and winter. And then we get spring and summer again.”
I think I will compose a song I leave the melody to you Doc and you can pass it to admin. Hire me, Hire me pay me some salary, I will edit, correct, or do whatever to each submitted post and pass them along to be posted in a weeks time, hire me, hire me, I will work hard and I will do my job just let me work from home and it will all get done la, la, la, la
i think just running a plagiarism check is all they want to be done. but I like the lyrics!
I don’t know if this might be a solution or not because people don’t want to spend even the smallest amount of money these days but one writing job I have that keep giving up orders requires that we have two things a Copyscape account and a Grammarly account and every time I write for them I check through both and then submit. Could that be required here? I mean you sign up for a year and the Copyscape you have to keep refilling but each time you check it only take pennies per article so $10 buck put on Copyscape goes a very long way and Grammarly you pay for a whole year and check as much needed.
i suspect they are using Copyscape or Grammarly for the plagiarism check. I do often wonder why this process takes them more than an hour. You can set a folder system on the server that would have new submissions and scan all of them.
I have some plans of my own because the site looks to be discouraging already.
Alex, if you responded to comments more often, and had conversations you would be able to actually earn money here.
You know how I feel about the situation, the same as you. We have done all we can do. It is up to admin or whoever is out there doing whatever it is they are or are not doing with the site. Enough is enough.
so i noticed that embedded links are working again in polls, They are fixing the site still.
Yes I noticed that as well. Subtle things are happening, see how easy it can happen? And communication is even easier.
i honestly do not understand what they are doing. i am a 30 year IT person and I’ve never built anything without communication.
I was on a site in which members reviewed other members work. This lead to a LOT OF CORRUPTION.
1. Voting down an article which did not contain the views of the member reading
2. Voting down this one and voting up that friend.
3. Voting down then virtually plagiarising article to be published by the ‘reviewer’.
The key feature is that when your posts aren’t published…you go somewhere else. That is what is happening.
As I posted before, I could post an item, it is up, work on another, check the front page, and three articles had been published, so post again.
I could post my five items withing an hour and keep the ‘social distance’…i.e. me….user 1, user 2, user 3, me, user 4, user 5 ..
Now if you look at the times between posts, an hour, two hours can pass and NOTHING is posted. So I either have to shrug and post again so that Article 1 posted at 8:30 is followed by article 2 posted at 11 am, with no intercession.
It is not your problem Doc. You’ve spent MONTHS trying and trying…
First thank you, second you have presented exactly what I am worried about moving to that ask. I am just frustrated.
thank you for reminding me of the downside. You are right!
On one site I was able to contact the Admin. They had a contest and this character who wrote near rubbish was ‘winning’. I noticed there was a gang which down voted everyone’s posts but their own.
Admin moved fast enough.
they did move pretty fast when we had the person downvoting comments here, they took the downvote for comments away in 3 days!
Yes… I do recall seeing down votes…didn’t get it…
i suspect it was a very angry person doing the downvotes. But when we asked the admins quickly responded.
maybe the admin has changed since then
i almost guarantee they have changed.
I can’t be sure of anything because I am totally outside the circle. There is no communication. I do recall in earlier days getting a response to a message. And I know what it is like to post and not be published.
i have gotten many responses. I was told by the admins to stop bothering a user, so I did as I was told.
i have also been told many other interesting things by the admin team, but not in nearly a year.
I can not imagine what more you can do. You’ve posted, you’ve responded to users, you’ve tried and they keep virtually ignoring you.
I have less patience. As you know I found a particular racist poster here but as the site wants that, I backed off.
I will continue to fight with every tool i can. I will not give up. I didn’t give up when Niume’s creator died. I won’t now either.
It went down
yeah that is the placeholder put up.
sarcastic answer – doh i knew that.
honest answer. yes, they put the placeholder when the site shut down. It stopped paying about 4 months before the site finally closed.
I was on that site. I wasn’t there long before it closed. There was nothing I could do about it.
it was a great site and a great community i still talk to many of the bloggers from there.
I was relaxed never thought it would collapse. Totally surprised me.
i knew it would when the founder died. there was a void. He was the inspiration for the site.
without him the rest were simply note-takers.