
Love ItLove It

wander project beware of chasing tokens…

Sometimes in life, we chase treksn. We seek them as additions as decorations to our lives. Sticking them in boxes and forgetting they are there we chase more. Yes, once forgotten we do not recall the tokens of yesterday and chase those tokens anew. Then, upon opening the box where we have thrown the token we had, adding the new tokens we have, we come to realize that we have duplicates, even triplicates or more.  There is nothing wrong with have multiple tokens that are the same. But the collection locked away and not recalled does increase the chances that we will continue to gather more and more tokens that are the same, that are duplicates, triplicates or even higher multiples.

Each day is a token, one that we keep, some that we discard. But as humans we also have to be careful; we have to choose the tokens we keep. We are only allotted a finite amount of space for active tokens. A finite amount of space for stored tokens exists within us, as well. We must, as we collect them, chase them, pick each toke up and consider its weight. We must consider the impact of that token, not on the day it is collected by ten years from now. You see in life we collect tokens regardless. Beyond, of course, the larger reality of the tokens that we chase. We cannot bind the chased tokens to us until they are caught, but like a cat that wishes not to be touched, they are hard to catch.

Each token then a treasured reality or perhaps a moment of sadness or even anger. Let not the angry tokens fill your heart. Let not the vision of tokens you do not have to fill your soul. Look upon the tokens you have and find the value of each. Each one does have a value. Angry tokens still have value as long as we don’t allow them to fill our hearts. Tokens of sadness as well have value. There are times when they arrive in our hearts, and we cannot do anything about it. We will be sad, and we do not know why. That is a seeking we must do, looking within to determine which tokens make us sad. Never throw the tokens that make you sad away, for they will return.

Do not chase tokens only; be happy with the ones you have.

my daughter and her dog, fran. I miss fran


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19 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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