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Student life in China

This is how some student rooms look like in overseas China. These photos are made by a world renowned German photographer. Sometimes we wonder if we are grateful for what we now own.

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>

For example, in 2011, Hong Kong had a population of just over 7 million, with a density of approximately 6,300 people per square kilometer. This makes Hong Kong the fourth most densely populated region in the world, after Macau, Monaco, and Singapore. Data sources of Hong Kong government. The largest density of population is in Asia, but it is interesting that it is also the least populous density in Asia, Mongolia. In Europe, Monaco is the champion of the highest population density. It is anticipated that India will take over the world’s primacy in the future.


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33 Points

Written by varda42


    • I guess the wood must be waterproofed so that the steam from the hot bath water doesn’t warp it. (O.o) A bedroom in a bathroom?? On the plus side … they get to go to school!
