This fun challenge is open to everyone! Ruin the title of a book or movie by changing (or removing/adding) just one letter. The possibilities are endless — your imagination is your only limit ? You can add an image, or you can type a comment. Go for it!
RUIN a Movie or Book Title with just One Letter! (A Challenge for Everyone)
Norman Darlo
26 Votes
Reading through all of these made me laugh out loud several times. Very clever these people are. (giggles) Let’s have some more!
Winnie the Poop (Pooh)
The Secret Warden ( Garden)
Hear the Darkness (Take out the t in Heart)
The Scarlet Wetter (Letter)
Little Omen (Take out the W in Women)
The Rat in the Cat (The cat in the hat)-
Great, every one of them! Here’s a few more that came to me:
Mootopia (Zootopia)
Binding Dory (Finding Dory)
and, wait for it….
Fantastic BREASTS (Beasts) and where to find them! ( was so pleased with that last one, that I did a pic – see above
Hilarious! Made me laugh aloud, and what clever friends you have too!
Mine not so entertaining, but it is after midnight..
The Little Prance
A Roof With A View
The Tile Machine
I think they are (entertaining and amusing)! Especially the little prance. And the tile machine ahahaha
This is so funny. My titles might make Charles Dickens turn in his grave:
Hard Limes
Bleak Mouse
A Sale of two Cities-
Oh, DW, you have outdone yourself with these!! I was hoping you’d stop by and comment, for I knew you’d bring your special wit to the task
Poor Charles!
Haha, this game is something right after my heart. I often challenge my children to do the same thing. And here are a few more
Vanity Pair
The Sound of Baskervilles
The Bill of the Floss
The Jungle Cook-
Haha – very imaginative all! And it’s a good game to get your kids’ brain cells working, I am certain
On the Goad (Road)
The Call Of The Mild (Wild)
Baked Lunch by William S. Burroughs
The Importance of Bling Earnest -
Hahahaha absolutely brilliant post, I can’t stop laughing at these responses. So sad someone got in there with Forrest Dump before me.
-Speed 2 Bruise Control
-The Defarted
-The Dank Knight -
Isn’t that what the title already is? Did you mean to change something in it? Lord of the Dings Perhaps
Laughter is the best medicine! Not sure which quiz you’re referring to, but so long as you enjoyed it
#1 Animal Farce.
#2 Lady Chatterley’s Cover
#3 Sleeking Beauty
#4 Beauty and the Feast
May my intelligence make you touched, O my Teacher.-
Now what about RUINing some other titles? Here are a couple of ideas to get you started:
The W̶i̶n̶d̶ Wino in the Willows
Oliver T̶w̶i̶s̶t̶ Twit
Go for it! -
Excellent work.
Thank you, Imtiaz