I found this old cactus skeleton. It looked like it had a face screaming at the end so I snapped.
I havent and wont be as active this week, I have quit smoking, this is day 3. I am feeling better but it’s very hard. Just wanted to give you all a heads up. More quizzes and hikes coming soon.
Have a great day.
I am already wondering why I haven’t seen your post in the feed and so I looked up your name so I can find one of yours.
That cactus skeleton reminded me of a large sea cucumber. And happy to know you decided to quit smoking. I hope you succeed. Did you do it gradually? Or was it a sudden all stop? It would be hard but I pray you will carry on.
This was one of my main triggers, the computer and coffee in the mornings. I decided to take a break. I am back now though, but I am still having really bad cravings. On the first of the year, I started Chantix, and picked a one month quit date on the 22. My last cigarette was on the 22 at midnight. The Chantix helped, it takes away the endorphins that make you feel good after a cigarette, they start tasting bad on the second day. You still go through withdrawals though. I completely changed up my routine, and do deep breathing when they get really strong. Thank you on your well wishes.
Did I tell you our business is pharmacy but I am not a fan of taking any pill except vitamins when I am sick or travelling? ? Yeah. Contradicting. But, in my mind, any pill I take will cure one illness then create another. Besides, the kidney will have to filter more chemicals for that.
Anyway, if, along the way, it feels tough, consider slow reduction instead of outright stop. Unless of course there is health issue that requires you to stop abruptly. Withdrawal, I guess, isn’t that easy. Still, take heart and do your best. If for some reason, you don’t succeed the first time, try again the 2nd time. Take care.
I did not know that. I do agree with you on taking pills, I don’t have to take any so far. I am almost done with the Chantix. It has been so hard to remember to take them.
I know slip ups can happen, but I am afraid if I smoke one it’ll all be over. I would probably start again. I can’t let this happen. It is still a struggle several times a day, but the urges aren’t as long or strong now. Thank you so much! 🙂
Wishing you the best of luck. Great image.
Thank you Gloridaze, on both! I have made it so far.
I want you to succeed … I know it’s not easy
One week now, this is day one of the second week, thank you Vidocka! It has been rough, but I already feel better.
I am so proud of you for quitting smoking. You can do it! There are too many alien chemicals in those things. And messy. Just think of all the money you will be saving!
Thank you Ann. This is the starting of week 2! At 8 dollars a pack two times a day, yes!
I use to smoke many years ago, and I am glad I quit. You are a strong women too.
I am glad that you quit too LaJenna. You were smart to do that.
Well then, congratulations for you as well. Thank you, I hope all is well.
So proud of you and your smoking my friend! I knew you could do it. 🙂
Love this photo, wow!
One week down! Thank you, I wasnt so sure I could, but things are looking good. Thank you!
that is so cool, I suspect the first people used to create things from the cactus remains. I remember seeing something like this in Arizona.
I can’t believe they sell these! Yes, I would image so. I wonder what the big Saguaros look like?
Not a clue, I saw the smaller ones in Arizona as baskets.
The Cholla cacti are the most popular ones I guess. The saguaros are cool, I looked them up.
I’m intrigued! Never seen anything like this!!
Good luck on quitting smoking! I know you can do it!
Not a lot of cacti around your parts huh Alibb?
Thank you on the well wishes, it has worked. So far so good~ Thank you!
I really really love it, Kim. Am so impressed!
Quit smoking? You shouldn’t! Now, who’s my friend?
Thank you Albert, I thought it was funny. Yes, I have quit smoking. I feel so much better already. We can still be friends lol. I havent given up everything! The hikes will be longer now!
yes it is a bit scary indeed. lol ?
See, Im not the only one. Looks like a ghost to me…booo! 😉
yup.. like the picture in the SCREAM ???