You’ve read an article here that has inspired you. You want to write on that topic; but you stop, you think… NO! That would be Plagiarism!
You think that if there is an item on this site about Henry the VIII or Jacob Zuma or Hurricane Harvey, if you write an article on one of those topics it would be judged as Plagiarism.
If you think this, you are wrong.
I was listening to the BBC and they were discussing ‘The Black Death’. I had done some reading about it, and the program inspired me, and I did a bit more research and wrote an item and published it on a writing site I’ll call Cribble.

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
The item was highly rated and lo and behold I saw another item also about the Black Death. Assuming that the chap who wrote it had plagiarised my work I raced to give his article a scan.
It was totally different.
Although we can’t change the dates, times, places, and facts, how we presented our item was so totally different that the mod had no problem publishing both.
I got in touch with the chap and it happened that he, thousands of miles from me, had also heard the BBC broadcast and had also been inspired.
Hence it was NOT plagiarism.
Plagiarism is when you copy someone’s work. Not the topic, nor the same facts, but copy another person’s work and slap your name on it.

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
Everyone of us can write a hub on a current political situation.
But every article should be different because each of us has our own style, our own point of view.
When writing about real events, whether history, current events, there is no way to alter the places, the people, and what happened. However, as we are different people, we see things differently.
There are many photos put on the Internet which may have a little copyright or others which are free to use. The point with images is there is a concept of ‘fair use’.
If I post a map to simply show where a city is or to illustrate an event, I am protected by fair use. I am not claiming that I drew the map. I am not saying it is my map, I am using it as a visual aid.
This is not plagiarism.
People who plagiarize don’t do so accidentally. They cut and paste an article and slap their name on an time they stole. They know they’ve cut and pasted.
They know this is not their work. They know they have stolen someone else’s work. But they steal it just the same.
Many publishing sites install cheap or free plagiarism checkers. These applications are often so flawed they are standing jokes.
Years ago, Triond used one which was so ridiculous one could not quote.
Can you imagine writing an article about a topic and in no way shape or form being able to put in the proof that what you are saying is true?
To avoid paying their writers, some sites will wrongly claim that the work that was posted was rejected for plagiarism. This only scares newbies, but get real writers reporting the site.
I recall having this idea in the middle of the night and jumping up, writing it down, and then posting it on a site which had the temerity to use the ‘P’ word. I had a lot of words to use myself. NSFA.
If you are writing original prose, if you use quotes and attribute them to the source, then you should not be afraid of the attack of plagiarism. Even if you find yourself having written something on the same topic that another did, unless it is a verbatim or nearly verbatim capture of their work, then you are in the same situation that I was in the The Black Death.
I think this is a great article. I still run every post I write through a checker because once I was accused and never want to be accused again.
When you write any factual item and use facts, the facts can’t change.
Powerful and important message for all to read.
the problem is they don’t know the law. Because they don’t they go off into virtual insanity.
Great post, very informative.
Thank you. I have suffered with this kind of ‘plag’ attack when I’ve quoted the source.
Thanks for shearing this information
You are very welcome
Very interesting post
thank you I hope it is useful
Great post, very informative.
I am glad I could be helpful
Great post here Jaylar!
thank you
Great point!!
Thank you
Thank you for sharing this post. I found out that I am not breaking the rules if I write my own thoughts on a subject matter like super hero movies or sports.
Exactly. You watch it, you have your own opinion. Maybe I agree with you, and write an item, but it has to be different because we are different people.
That is what us great. Different strokes for different folks and different rhymes for different times.
As long as you are writing your own work from own perspective… well it is like all of us sitting and taking an exam. The right answer is the right answer. If we get the right answer it doesn’t mean we copied each other’s work.
I learned that the hard way not to copycat what another person writes when I was with Allvoices. com.
I used to get accused to plagiarizing my own work. You know, in much the same way that I’m embezzling from myself when I spend my own money. Or how I steal my car whenever I drive it someplace…
Some sites don’t want to pay so make false charges of plagiarism. Literacybase was the headquarters for that. Expertscolumn used to play that card too…
I understand they’re cheap but plagiarism isn’t an accusation to be tossed around lightly; where I come from, them’s fightin words…
Definately. I was so angry with LB… but it went down before I could do anything beyond say things NSFA
Still, it sounds like they paid the price for their crimes and you didn’t even have to get involved all that much. Sounds like a win to me
you are welcome
Excellent post with clear ideas. It is a shame that so many people do get away with it. Thanks!
Some do, that is true, but it is always deliberate, not accidental.
If you think you borrowed too much, check! If you believe you haven’t copied someone else’s thinking, verify!
Good post! Really laid the issue out well!
The point is, in many cases, as the one with the Black Death, I and the chap operated totally independently. I can read an item about a topic, and then do a completely original article.
One should never copy. Only if one is disputing what is said, would one copy and paste as a quote, and then attack.
hope I was helpful
wonderful 🙂
thank you