Storms this winter were more frequent and more severe than usual. The rains, salty ocean spray, and driving sandy winds scrubbed this wall clean of all its art and/or graffiti. In spring the anonymous artists returned to redecorate the walls with unofficial public art. This is the first of the new works that will soon cover the wall for the summer. It’s street art that forgot to bring the street in a small beach community.
I took this photo at night in Bolinas, California using a flash. This work may still be in progress but was complete enough to deserve my pausing to photograph it. Looks promising and it will last at least through the coming summer.
I really like street art. In our country it began to emerge recently. Some are really real artists
I also enjoy seeing it. Makes the cities a little more colorful and interesting.
Nice colors. Someone is very talented.
This little town is full of artists and there is a long history of art on and near the beach there. They put real time into these. They often get washed away during the winter storms.
That is cool
Thanks so much. They do put time into their graffiti there. The town is pretty full of artists.
Cool… it looks very much like the aboriginal art from Australia… I wonder if the artist is Australian… 🙂
I agree the technique with the dots does indeed. It also is very like Pacific Northwest tribes imagery, … I suspect that the artist is Miwok but I don’t know for sure. In a town that small though I could easily find out. I’m frequently there visiting old friends. Hey, it’s nice to see you here — welcome!!
Thank you! 🙂 Looking around, seems like a nice place… looking forward to more posts from you!
Great find and capture. I lived up in the Bay Area of 20 years. Loved it. Now I’m living in Florida to get away from earthquakes… now I have hurricanes. Go figure. 🙂
Earthquakes, hurricanes, flooding, wildfires, … it’s always something. I recently displaced myself slightly to the north and now I have fruit trees and a vegetable garden but I checked the history of where I live and in 1906 the quake completely destroyed it. So I’ve got that as usual.
I remember we talked about a night photo of the Pig and Whistle once on Niume I think. Cheers.
Wonderful detail in that work. Thanks for capturing it for us!
Cheers Norman. I was walking by and just a little twitch of my finger was all it took really. Without the flash the color wasn’t so great. The artists that live there do put some time into these.
So nice work
It’s one of many that will appear at the beach. Winter storms wash most away – this winter was very, very stormy and scrubbed everything clean.
Thats awesome and would make a great Tattoo for someone.
That’s true. People in town put some real time into the art around the beach there.
a wonderful capture. I love the area, a great find for you! street art is everywhere, how cool a turtle! Have a great weekend Howard 🙂
Yes, even where are not streets really. The beach art in Bolinas is a constant. The town is pretty full of artists. I do like it there as well. Cheers.
Thanks Pamela. Cheers