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what would you wait for?

One of the things I spend a lot of time on is tech; it is a passion of mine. It comes from my career and seeking to see things differently but at the same time, making things work better. In that reality, I spend a lot of time considering applications in particular applications on networks. More and more people use their cell phones more and more every day. That growth in connection is an interesting problem. In part, it brings us to a new perception. In part, it leaves us evolving where we are. The image I love to share sometimes is the evolution image of humans. Starting with stooped shoulders and then beginning to walk perfectly only to well, end up with stooped shoulders peering at a cell phone.

I am not decrying the cell phone and declaring it some kind of destructive device. Rather, those things have changed. Information at your fingertips changes conversations. The argument doesn’t have to rage all evening. Someone just has to look up a valid source (please not Wikipedia, while interesting it isn’t always accurate and doesn’t have a banking organization that is driven to correct errors).  I do remember what it was like to wait for 2, 3, or 4 hours for something back in the day. Without the entertainment device, the connected cell phone, you sat. If you were smart and knew a wait was inevitable, you brought a book. Now, I can sit, relax, and read my kindle, listen to my music, and kill four hours.

That got me thinking – how long would you wait for something? I will ask a bunch of scenarios of would you wait for something in the poll questions. I m always curious how long people will wait I know back in the day, waiting could be risky. When we had two infant twins that could bursts into tears at the drop of a hat (they didn’t throw fits, but they did get upset and cry, which is bad as a parent)! What would you be willing to wait for? I know for example that there are new tech things announced all the time, I suspect here on Virily I am in the minority of people waiting for those. But movies, books, and so many other things come tomorrow, what would you wait for?

  • Question of

    would you wait 4 hours to see a movie?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    would you stand in line for 12 hours to get a new computer operating system?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Would you stand outside for 4 hours to get a Black Friday deal?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

20 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. You are right, I am one of the minorities who is waiting for new technology to be used, except for information and knowledge.

    I often wait long enough to watch a movie, but have never waited for four hours.

    • I did once as a younger person for the second Star Wars Movie. We waited outside for 8 hours to be there for the premiere! I doubt I would ever do that again.

  2. Q: would you wait 4 hours to see a movie?
    Yes (1 votes) – 17%
    No (5 votes) – 83%
    Q: would you stand in line for 12 hours to get a new computer operating system?
    No (5 votes) – 100%
    Q: Would you stand outside for 4 hours to get a Black Friday deal?
    No (6 votes) – 100%

  3. I’ll wait for love, but I don’t have too. I ‘ll wait for good things in life especially for my boys. I’ll wait to catch a lovey bird through my lens, I ‘ll wait to see wild animals in a safari, the sunrise, sunset, flowers to bloom and such.

  4. I am also a person with great interest in the new technology and I can devote more time to this activity. But I can devote an even longer time to wait for my daughter, lol. That’s the reason why I can’t participate nowadays with Virily and my other sites. I think I am spending more time waiting for her.

    • I understand that – I get up before everyone in the house so that I don’t disturb my family!!!! Enjoy the time while your daughter is little – those days are magical!

  5. A very interesting question, my friend … in none of the above, I’m not ready to wait 10 minutes, just to wait for an hour
