
Love ItLove It

the words were lost

and drifted away becoming wisps of smoke

that breaking up in the gentle breeze flowed

outward and away.

What is it, then that we hear

ears cupped against the darkness

pressed against the wall

what do we hear

before it is gone?

Do we fear the words

the shadows that the words create?

Do we pull back, recoil in horror

As the words flung

Like sewer hole covers

launching into the sky

or is it merely that they come

through the wall 

from emptiness 

to ears cupped to the wall

“the likes of you” 

echoing and then gone 

useless in the age of Social Media.

You cannot transfer

the likes of you.

  • Is there anything happier than a child in a swing?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

22 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I love that photo. As a child, you could not get me past a playground until I had a chance to swing. I would still swing since I love it so much but I cannot find a playground.
