
Love ItLove It

sticking out like a sore thumb

It is easier, I suspect

to keep

the thumb safety in the glove

in the pocket

away from sharp edges

and icicles with teeth that rend and tear.

but the imperfection must be handled!

We must find the moment

within the impact

as the explosion

flows outward from us. 

flinging as if the intent

had only ears of stone.

Each time wondering. Each time

further and further

flinging more and more


there is no more


remembering the sore thumb

placed back in the glove

back in the pocket

to live another day.

  • Do you sometimes like to throw snow balls at poeple?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

19 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Really liked the poem gives the reader a lot to think about. I really liked the picture for it took me back to my home state of PA and winter snows. I would love to play in the snow again.

    • Here as well, although there are some people that use the look your cat picture had instead of snowballs.

      You throw that snowball and…

      I can’t help it, I have to find out what is on the other side of and!