There are over one million known species of insects that live with us in this world. Taking pictures of insects and other small creatures can be particularly funny. All you have to do is go to the garden of the house. But do not go alone! Take a specialized assistant with you, like Maya.
The first rule of insect photography is to get close to the subject, possibly to sit at their level …
Be careful not to get bite by insects or collect any ticks (you or your assistant)!
Insects are more mobile in warm weather, so photograph them early in the morning or in the evenings, when it is cooler and they move more slowly.
The last rule I want to bring to your attention is not to take too seriously everything I wrote here …
I will show you in future posts if I managed to photograph some insect, following these rules!!
Photo credit…my husband
Do you think Maya let me take some picture??
Hehe, frumos asa, mai ales cu un asistent atat de priceput! ? Cand faceam poze macro, obisnuiam sa ma tavalesc prin tot felul de locuri ca sa obtin cea mai buna poza. Acum nu prea mai am timp ?.
Nu pot folosi trepiedul si atunci cea mai stabila pozitie pentru camera o obtin sprijinindu-mi mainile de pamant! Cat despre Maya, are un dar nemaipomenit sa alunge insectele atunci cand le vede! ?
??? Ea incearca sa te apere, iti vrea binele ?. Oricum, frumos sa faci fotografii asa, mi-ar placea sa revin si eu la asta.
Si ce te opreste sa revii? Macrofotografia este foarte interesanta. Eu am descoperit o gramada de lucruri prin intermediul ei!
Deocamdata timpul ?. Si lipsa unei camere foto. Am pus pe pauza dorinta asta pentru inca vreo 4 ani, am niste planuri de dus la capat mai intai.
Bafta cu planurile tale!
Multumesc ?. Imi place fotografia, dar vreau sa ma pot ocupa de ea cum trebuie si o sa reusesc asta.
For the sake of coming up with the best result. That’s the real photographer and a cooperative assistant. No wonder you always have wonderful photos.
I do everything for the sake of photographic art !! However, the greatest merit is the Maya! If she did not accompany me every day, I would not have progressed in taking picture.???
It seems that I have to take everything you say here seriously. I was even planning to look for a disguise costume to really look like grass, maybe like a sniper, especially to hide my white hair. Well, all for the best photo, right?
Very good! Good tips need to be followed! But I have a question … why do you want to hide your hair? Do not you like the white color??
I like all my white hair, and that’s why I never dyed my hair, it’s just that I’m worried that the insects will feel glare and go away if they see my gray/white hair.
Don’t be worried! My hair is as white as yours and insects have not gone! I could say they were attracted to the white color!
Great photography , Simply awesome
Thank you very much! I will tell my husband that his photos are appreciated!?
Thanks for the advice.
You’re welcome, Elenka! ?
I love this. Both photos! Of course Maya let you, she is used to mom pointing that thing at stuff. lol This post really made me grin. So darn cute, and you know I love taking photos of anything in nature. Great tip there too about shooting when it is cooler. They can move so fast.
In fact, the only good advice in this post is that insects need to be photographed in the morning or in the evening. The rest of the tips apply only to me!?
I have never thought that someone likes taking photos of insects! Just wow!
Try to do this! I guarantee you will be delighted to discover this wonderful world of insects.?
your dedication is awesome. Maya’s willingness to wait, though, is beyond awesome!
She is not always so patient. She is usually very curious and interposed between the camera and my subjects!
one of my dogs hates having his picture taken, the other will get in front of the camera whenever she sees it!
Maya is indispensable as an assistant. Lovely photos
That is right! I could not take pictures without her help!??
A great photo of you Maya, you are truly dedicated!
Thank you, Michelle! I love macrophotography. It is interesting and relaxes me!?
your macro photography is impressive, but how did you take a picture of yourself?
There is a possibility to take a picture by myself if I put the camera on the tripod and use a remote control, but as I said above, these photos are taken by my husband!
I know, just winding you up
Maya is very patient and seems to be enjoying the view
Most of the time Maya banishes all the insects because she goes very close to them.
Wow, I don’t think I’ll ever get like that on the ground …
the fact that my camera lens requires me to get very very close to get focus …
I won’t get to run if I’m that close …
But really, I can tell how passionate you’re!!
I do not always do that! But there are situations when this is necessary if I want to make a good photo!
You speak with passion, Ileana!
It’s what you really enjoy!
You are a true photographer when you are o the ground like that. Before my knee injuries I did that. I managed to get a cool photo of my weeds. Love this photo of you and Maya.
Art asks for sacrifices!?