Welcome to the goal poll goal.
Not a soccer poll. Rather a poll focused on building a picture of the user environment that the Virly team is supporting. This is to help begin to understand some of the requirements for troubleshooting and resolving some of the nagging issues of the Virily platform. I’ve been doing this for more than 30 years. I understand the paint that everyone is experiencing.
I understand the anger,
But I also know the best to do is to move forward and face what bothers you.
Don’t make declarations, until you know it is a fact!
Question of
What type of device do you use to connect to Virily with?
A windows 7 computer
A windows 8 computer
A windows 10 computer
A pre-OS 11 Macintosh
A psot OS 11 Macintosh
Tablet *android or ipad)
Cell phone (any type)
Question of
I have gotten the cloudfare error…
Question of
What browser are you using?
Internet Explorer
other not listed (please note what in the commendts)
Question of
My internet connection is:
Home based cable
Home-based dialup
Home based DSL
Home base fiber optic
Dial up
I connect while I am at my place of employement
Free wifi hotspot
Internet cafe
Other (please note in the comments)
Poll results so far
A windows 7 computer (4 votes) – 29%
A windows 10 computer (7 votes) – 50%
A psot OS 11 Macintosh (2 votes) – 14%
Cell phone (any type) (1 votes) – 7%
Yes (9 votes) – 64%
No (5 votes) – 36%
Chrome (9 votes) – 60%
Edge (1 votes) – 7%
Firefox (1 votes) – 7%
Safari (2 votes) – 13%
Mozilla (2 votes) – 13%
Home based cable (4 votes) – 33%
Home based DSL (4 votes) – 33%
Home base fiber optic (2 votes) – 17%
Free wifi hotspot (1 votes) – 8%
Other (please note in the comments) (1 votes) – 8%
This is really a very good idea and thank you!
I really like the site, I want to help improve it!
I also like this site and I’m really glad when someone who can help just do it.
Well, as a contributor, you’ve just helped as well! thank you!!!!
You’re welcome! With my pleasure 🙂
I where I can and hit the wrong button.
Wrong buttons happen! Thanks for the comment donald!
Good poll, I hope it helps.
Here is the funny reality of a poll like this, it may help me help you. IE, if I know what is causing specific issues, and someone says I am experiencing that issue, I will know what they need to do!
Either way this helps!
That is a wonderful thing for you – but you suspect it is a Virily problem you don’t know. Becuase you don’t know, and I don’t know and everyone that uses the site doesn’t know its time to gather information.
They may, but likely they don’t. They actually don’t use the site the way we do. They are more curators of the site and content…
Which login issue were you experiencing? I am building out another poll, continuing to troubleshoot this issue.
Do you have an actual Virily account, or are you connected via Social Media? (twitter, FACEBOOK).
what is that issue? I have heard of the social endpoint issue and the twitter issue. Curious what you are experiencing…
I have seen some issues with Chrome that Mozilla didn’t have, but the reverse is also true (issues that Mozilla had). I have tried most of the currently available browsers with the site so far.
The problem with websites is often (not always but often) that the developers are used to a specific browser. They end up building a site that uses and relies on features of that browser. Not everyone uses that browser, and that is when the problems start.
Add to that the operational reality of code. Without a change management process, and using the industry standard IT service Management (called ITSM an implementation of the ITIL system) you end up fixing bugs and creating bugs at the same rate (or worse, for each one you fix, you create two new ones).
Not impossible to fix, just has to be done the right way!
My gut is you are using an Apple device rather than a PC.
Excellent – thanks for the update! Always fun to see what people are using!
That’s a pretty sweet idea, if everyone took your poll the developers would have a solid idea of their target environment
That is the goal!!! The number of quiz takers is growing, I will start sharing this with the admin team on Wednesday of this week. (although they already see it, want to make sure they have it in hand!)
It would be a shame to gather such useful metrics and then not share them with the dev team…
I am doing so today – ps, also sharing with everyone that reads the comments!
I am pretty sure the admins can just automatically log all this information, but this is still a useful metric…
They might be able to get the browser and operating system from your cookie, but they won’t get a lot of the other system configuration and current patch levels of the OS automatically. It is possible but would require a more substantial authentication system than using Twitter/Facebook/user account logins.
Agreed, I just meant they’d certainly be able to determine system type. You’re correct that a higher level of granularity wouldn’t be available (that’s a good thing, I don’t want that much info about my system automatically given out)
GDPR is interesting, everyone is terrified of it, but it has yet to be challenged in European courts. It may, in fact, be radically different after legal challenges, laws often are…
Automatic data collection is the reality of tomorrow – hopefully, PII laws catch up and our computers “information” is seen as an extension of who/what we are doing.
I think the GDPR is an important step in that direction. But the US isn’t going to get on board under the current excuse for an administration…
I do get a lot of error notifications. Logging on isn’t always easy. Sometime I have to switch browsers a lot.
That adds another question for my next poll, do you use more than one browser to connect. Thanks so much!!!
I’m not sure what the Cloudfare error is. My problems have been terribly slow speed and problems with posting software or the site just being down.
Cloudflare is an internet caching device. Slow speed and posting issues, also great additions for my next poll, Thanks Barbara!!!!
Great idea, and poll….I use many devices to connect (phone, tablet, chromebook & PC) and different browsers (firefox & chrome). I haven’t got the issues lately….since the site was having it’s major problems that one month.
I only experience issues with Chrome on a PC, if I switch to another device no issues and if I switch to another browser (IE) issue also go away. Thanks!!!
That’s a great idea!
Thanks, Ellie! I spent way too much time on this poll. I need to focus on issues that aren’t as frustrating!
Actually Im on wireless we don’t have a cable to connect everything is by electricity and wireless connections. If the power goes out we don’t have a phone or internet. I do have a cell phone for that purpose and in a storm sometimes we get a power cut.
Is the site really slow for you? Other than the issues you’ve posted in other places, anything else?
Sometimes the site is slow, however, the wireless is quicker than what I had before which was Broadband using a cable.
That is good to hear! I notice the site is slower for me in the lunch hour US time, that is normally when I pop in just to see if there are any new posts to read while I eat my lunch!
It has been awhile since I got the cloudfare error but I have gotten it in the past.
This poll is a good idea.
I actually got it Monday of this past week again. It doesn’t happen often but does on certain high traffic periods.
Thanks, Carol!!!!