One of the things that I dislike more than anything on earth is people that don’t take responsibility for their actions and the resulting reactions. Sometimes they present an “I know sincerity isn’t welcome here,” a false front door. Sometimes they attack. Either way, I wouldn’t say I like that. Why did that come up today? Well, it came out of discussions yesterday afternoon with my pal. I took the day off of work so that I could spend some time looking at the data he has collected. I found a lot of interesting things out about myself and my responses to people. He pointed out that my reactions to people that don’t take responsibility were more negative than it was to people I felt did take responsibility.
That is a reasonably normal response towards that behavior. Anyone that starts with I don’t mean to offend. Or, it is your problem likely can’t or won’t take personal responsibility. Based on that, I tend to respond. I do not or cannot ever accept someone attasking a person I consider a friend. But I am also very driven by the taking of responsibility by people as well. The other thing my friend notes to me was the nearly complete results of the comment change. My friend said that I have a sense of “fairness” and that fair is essential to me. He suggested I consider responding to people that I think are unfair with a simple; you might be wrong and not a thing. I will give it a shot in the future.
Finally, he pointed out the comment program will come to an end in 2 days. The rule was for ten days I could not comment on a post if the person didn’t comment on my posts. His results will be available later next week, so I am inquisitive to see if there was a change in my behavior (there was, I had to not comment on several posts). But more importantly, was there any impact on the overall way the site worked. Interesting points for everyone, so I will share….
- A few writers have left the site over the past month. One was a high volume poster; the others were not. But views have remained stable without their posts.
- Two of the authors that are not posting now (or not posting as much) didn’t share, or their shares had no impact on other authors.
Enjoyable overall, his initial finding is “concentrations on your posts are the best way to maximize earnings.” The only way to get conversations on your posts is to have them on the positions of others! IE comments drive conversations!
This work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)
hard to argue with science – interesting initial findings yes?
It’s all about sowing and reaping. Sow comments to reap conversations.
that is the best way to put it, we have to grow the conversations!
Yes (5 votes) – 83%
No (1 votes) – 17%
It is as you say, Doc, there are lots to unpack in this post and the ensuing comments thereon. Thanks for the share.
The goal is to learn about the internet and how people behave on the many creative focused sites.
It is interesting that you reacted negatively, reactively, without your really knowing this, until pointed out to you.
The negativity inbuilt into the systemic makeup of each human can be tapped into by yourself, or by people pushing the on button in you too, when it automatically kicks in then from reaction, rather than choice.
We should rather try to make as many decisions choice based, as we can, and so try to leave more love, rather than take love out, from any communicative area connection.
Leave more positiveness, than negativeness, in other words.
i suspect the positive is critical going forward. I do think however there are times when we have to stand up to people that are not being fair.
My responsibility as a human does not end with my fingertips.
I agree with you Doc and life has both positive and negative issues, hopefully they eventually balance each other.
yes it is, i need to focus on staying positive.
Nor, with your toetips too, I would reckon…lol…
yes you reckoned correctly. i was simply conveying the shock i felt when I found out the information. I should have conveyed a word other than negative. It was really more sadness than anything.
Discussions can be very different. No one demands that we agree with everything. But the debate can run in a calm and respectful way.
i truly agree – i much more enjoy the conversations that are fun (such as you always trying to trick me!) or ones that are deep (focused on the aspect of the concept) or for that matter debating the merits of ideas.
I enjoy all of our conversations even though in some I am not as knowledgeable as you.
i do as well, and there are many lessons I learn from you. i love your medical plant series – i always learn something new!
I am glad that I too can teach someone something new.
you have many times, your homeopathic posts always point out something I didn’t know, and several of them are things i use all the time now!
I also use a lot of various medicinal plants and herbs.
i use several that you have posted about now – mostly the teas. i make many different kinds of morning tea now!
I am choosy with topics but I always comment when it is interesting to me.
that is very important – if you start conversations on posts, and people do on yours as well you have a greater chance of earning more!
I agree discussions are important, sometimes others will disagree. And that is ok if the conversation can continue and not be a one-sided discussion. That happens often. But not tetley I don’t think.
you are right – it does have to be a conversation (I always assume that word means two-way but I should have been clearer!)
It should be a two way street, all communication is like that. Except here of course.
here is seems to be a one way conversation often. very sad.
Yes it is too bad. But we have to consider the source and keep going.
i did, that is why when I see someone that comments on my posts once, because they don’t comment often and I comment 30 on theirs, I stop!
I would write more posts if it didn’t take so long for them to be approved.
So sorry you are having to wait so long. It is absolutely ridiculous! We are emailing support but not getting any response.
i should have just said “see carol’s comment”!
i love your posts – and I am like Carol so sorry you have to wait so long. we are literally sending messages to the admin teams every day about the lack of approved posts!
Sorry Doc, I couldn’t help myself, had to respond.
you can and should feel free! no need to apologize@
Just making sure it didn’t seem like interrupting your conversation.
you are always welcome to interject i trust you.
I am not sure I understood anything you just said, lol. But, it’s important to have real and meaningful discussions. (That applies to more than just this site.)
People come and go and that’s sad sometimes.
We need to learn to be respectful and responsive.
I am not sure if we learned if we should continue to send emails to the email address of no response. (Sorry, I know that is snarky and I am feeling that way – I think the study said I shouldn’t do that, I will take my strike one.)
We need to have conversations and comments on all of our posts. I kind of feel like it’s key to work together. (I could be way off base and often that’s where I live.)
Okay enough of me, what do ya’ll think? (I love to talk like my husband sometimes.)
lots to unpack –
conversations are key for the future!
My friend was asking me to try things differently to see what impact that had here (on this site) as well as other sites.
it is not snarky what you said just realistic.