There was a great discussion (well several great reviews but one in particular) in the comments of my post yesterday. Not that I created an excellent concept, because I didn’t. The conversation started in the first post between Holcombe and The Dunce, and Introvert carried it forward and modified it a bit the issue of post moderation. First of all, we have several authors that have left the site to date because it takes too long to move posts forward. The conversation is ultimately about verified users. For a long time on this site, there was a disagreement about the reality of “verified” versus unverified users. The first thing to consider is that verified users do not have their posts moderated.
But that is the only difference. All authors on this site are critical. We are content-driven because we are a writing site. But community (all of the authors) is an essential addition as well. Writing can be lonely in the sense that we sit in our space and create the things we choose to share. The community is the commenting, replying, and sharing of the posts of others (and our own). When we consider that there are some other things that we, as a group of authors, have to continue. The first thing is that the site is paid on views. So when you share an article and you see 30, 40, or more pictures likely you have 10-20 views you get paid for (other authors on the site), the rest are external views.I see between 50 and more percent of views are external. The question that Introvert raised was, can we speed up the rate by which authors can become verified. The first group of verified users received that around three years ago. It took between 8 months to 12 months for those authors to be made verified. Remember, THE ONLY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN verified and non-verified users is the ability to self-publish. The second group of verified users happened about two years after the first. The third group was a fix for a significant site publication bug and was about a year ago. Most of the authors had been with the site between 6 months and a year at that point.
The question is, can we get a defined length of time and goals/rules/expectations for what a verified user is going forward.
Link to previous posts
This work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)
Question of
Should a verified author that has a post removed from the site by the admin team lose their verified status?
Question of
Do you think writers should wait 6 months to become verified?
Question of
Or should be it 6 months and at least 30 posts?
Question of
Or 9 months?
Question of
Or 9 months and 40 posts?
Question of
Remember refresh and the poll answers will appear!
Question of
and away we go!
Yes (5 votes) – 100%
Yes (3 votes) – 100%
Yes (3 votes) – 100%
Yes (1 votes) – 100%
Yes (4 votes) – 80%
No (1 votes) – 20%
Yep, it wasn’t working for me at all either. So another bug for Virily to work on.
it appears they fixed polls now, so that is good news!
That is awesome and certainly good news to hear. I will have to try another one soon.
well the day after I said that, it appears that polls are hit and miss still
I crossed my fingers, I tried, really!!
Hi, Doc, you already have my answer about these issues. However, could you kindly explain another burning, I.T. related question to me and possibly many others from the community? A writer By the name of Menazoran frequently occupies multiple trending spots, i.e. today he holds positions 1 through 9 but that’s probably due to excellent SEO skills, not my problem, I’m just curious how come all 9 posts were written 2 years ago. Could you possibly, to the best of your ability, explain how it is frequently done by him? This is not a subjective question, I’m genuinely curious?
My gut is going check the shares, someone found and shared the posts. I am always curious because the two lists are very squishy.
Most commented shows the highest interaction with other Virily authors.
But trending shows the most views in the previous 24 hours so, that is almost all external views. Those always come from some form of sharing to a social media site.
I have honestly never seen a single comment or article by that author.
thanks for coming back on this. It’s still a mystery to me…
the posts you were asking about have all been shared multiple times, so I suspect that is the reality here.
Thanks again for coming back Doc. It sounds about right to me.
of course, you asked a question that made me curious!
The optionis only one. To choose from one is very hard
yeah the poll monster ate the nos! you are welcome to express your thoughts in the comments!
I think that the verified issue is too complicated, It should be simple to get verified, maybe after a month on the site.
it is very complicated I agree. the issue is that it has always been a minimum of 6 months or more before people were verified.
not that it is the right way, just the way it has always been.
My view is perhaps different.
I would say that all authors should be verified from day one of their writing. Let us trust authors to do the right thing until proven otherwise.
The “moderators” should just check and advise, afterwards, not before.
Mylot works well like this. The members also help to bring “people of other intents” to task.
Moderation, and ivory tower thinktankers, are always a bugbear to me.
Most of them are not writers, but mere “adminners” working annoyingly “unflexibly.”
if, and only if the admins here were as engaged as those on Mylot, then it would work. But, we have to work with what we have. We cannot take the empty hand, and in the opening, it reveals a pot of gold.
Based on the lack of direct engagement, we have to be very careful.
It takes the admins of this site a long time to react and respond.
Yes, if only. They seem to be on the ball in mylot, kicking goals for the right side.
There is a parable that fits here. It is too long for a comment but it is the story of the man who only the color red no other colors.
I am afraid the admin team here, has that issue. They only see red. Leaves all the enhanced colors missing from the palette and of course, the reality of what is there isn’t seen until it is too late.
As you know, I waited about 3 years to become a verified member. My opinion is that they could become verified members in at least 6 months. I think we should first refresh the page with exact work instructions and other conditions.
your points as always well taken!
I suspect we see the frustration in the writers community with this topic. Some wait far too long to get posts approved.
You and Ellie have both pointed out (correctly) that we need the site fixed!
Thank you very much. Surely members are dissatisfied with waiting for posts to be approved. I was also very angry when I waited for several days for approval.
i remember you and others were in the unable to publish mode for a month. I felt horrible for all of you!
I also remember this period many times. But I am stubborn or persistent. Some lose hope too soon.
a wise man once said that the last thing that should leave our hearts is hope.
Refreshing is not working. Oh well.
Those who bully others should be removed on the spot. And what Norman said. 🙂
i agree, what about the length of time for new verified users?
I think the time should depend on the member’s status and discussions added to the site. Maybe not a specific time for every member. But many would see that as not fair probably. So, in that case, I would day three months.
3 months feels fair to me as well. There are gotchas all the way around on this as we don’t have site rules to follow.
refresh doesn’t work today. So back to the long way to do this
Three (3) months and 30 posts should be more than enough to assess someone on. The criteria for becoming verified should be that the user keeps to the rules of the site. Nothing else. They do not need to be a brilliant writer (who is going to be the judge of that anyway?), but need to be able to make grammatical sentences.
I also believe everyone should get one warning before losing their verified status. It’s easy to slip or be careless one time, but a warning should concentrate the mind.
thanks – that fits nicely in the concept I threw out!
(it is an engagement model, it works really well!)
3 months 30 posts or 10 posts a month to become verified? or are you thinking tiered users?
Forget about tiered users or anything except simple binaries. Our admins will not want to know (or are under orders).
that is what worries me, that the admin team doesn’t engage because they don’t want to.
simple and easy.
Or are under orders not to. Here’s hoping that’s a misinterpretation.
being under orders not to, tells me that the intent is to kill the site.
That question and others should all be transparent to site users. That is a big flaw here. I would say 80% of the users here are good and make up for 98% of the content here. So yes, there should be perks for those users.
i thing there is some value to the argument, those who work hard should be rewarded I agree!
Even a step program would be good if the “good” writers were grandfathered in. It would encourage writers to keep writing to get to the next level and boost in pay. I know the boost in pay is a joke, but that would be a good way to handle payments.
i suspect you have a great idea there. Not sure what the admins would do, they seem to want to manage less and less.
That is sort of how the old platform at was handled. Basically though, the more you did, the more you made. But they had Top Reviewers and Advisors in each category. These people were the ones that wrote the best reviews and also took their time to welcome newbies and give good advice to new people. The more hats you had, the more you made there. Those with hats were expected to read as much in their category every month and rate the reviews. Don’t rate and you lose your hat.
Oh my, well there you have a whole kettle of fish. I think everyone makes mistakes and there should be ways to help each other become better rather than punishing them for trying.
I can’t get the refresh thing to work. Exactly when am I suppose to refresh.
Mean people who intentionally bully should have to leave quickly and if they don’t learn the first time they should leave permanently in my opinion. Having a misunderstanding is one thing, but going after people with ill intent is quite different.
all good and fair points!.
refresh works when you open post
refresh and you should see all poll answers.
It’s hard for me. I’m wasting valuable time. I always have to rework my photos. Discussion requirements also make it difficult for me. I harass the site, but I can’t spend much time being permanent.Why are the answers to all questions except the last one only “YES”?
it is the poll bug issue and I was in a hurry this morning. if you refresh the post in your browser after opening all the answers appear!
I believe what she meant was there is not other option but to check yes. No does not show except in one question.
i got that – if you hit refresh the minute you open the post, it will reload with the questions!
well double crap ignore that – in fact it doesn’t work.
i have to go back to the long method for polls.