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Wacky Wednesday – Cheeky Sparrow

Caught in the act!

It’s OK the people have left but the Sparrow is taking his chances!

Who can blame someone who is very hungry?

I can not explain to cafe owners that “These Rats with Wings” are the main attraction of their cafes.


What do you think?

22 Points

Written by Pamela Moresby


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    • Thanks Ellie, they appreciate food! However, there was an AD on TV that had a trainee chef fail his cake because he didn’t add NZ butter. He said to the older chef,”I will give it to the birds” and was answered by, “Not if you want the birds to fly!”

  1. They are very annoying and cheeky. Often I come to visit. I agree that they are the main attraction of cafes. You managed to laugh at me with the definition of them – “These rats with wings.” If you allow me to use it in some of my posts.

  2. The sparrows are obviously the same all over the world …. they put in sugar at the coffee shop in the cafe because the sparrows take them all away …. I could not believe when I saw him grabbing a sugar bag and flew away … really they are real thieves hahaha

  3. Lol… rats with wings… well, they’re a huge pest (more of pigeons and mynah) when it comes to open-air cafes …
    I’ve on going after my food even when I was holding it! :/

  4. And the same thing with us is the same thing. Eating with us.
    It seems they are all the same when hunger is concerned.
    To me, this is nice and I never take them from my desk while I’m in a bakery and eat cakes.

    • Thanks Carol, Rats with wings are often having to be smarter than people and in my opinion, if you cant beat them join them and enjoy the show. The customers should just be provided with a cloth to clean up after these Pi rats.

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