Caught in the act!
It’s OK the people have left but the Sparrow is taking his chances!
Who can blame someone who is very hungry?
I can not explain to cafe owners that “These Rats with Wings” are the main attraction of their cafes.
Caught in the act!
It’s OK the people have left but the Sparrow is taking his chances!
Who can blame someone who is very hungry?
I can not explain to cafe owners that “These Rats with Wings” are the main attraction of their cafes.
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Adorable little friend! I understand the cafe owners though, some customers don’t like to have animals around. It’s sad, because as you said, they do what they can to find food.
Thanks Ellie, they appreciate food! However, there was an AD on TV that had a trainee chef fail his cake because he didn’t add NZ butter. He said to the older chef,”I will give it to the birds” and was answered by, “Not if you want the birds to fly!”
Thanks so much Tasartcraft, glad you like the cheeky sparrow
I love coffee shops too…………..
They are very annoying and cheeky. Often I come to visit. I agree that they are the main attraction of cafes. You managed to laugh at me with the definition of them – “These rats with wings.” If you allow me to use it in some of my posts.
That’s OK Elenka, I tell those “Rats on wings” that they have to earn their meal by posing for the camera! I don’t mind if you use the term.
Never heard about the sparrows as “these rats with wings”, in my country this phrase usually refers to pigeons. And your shot with this hungry bird is very funny!!!
Thanks Anastasia, I cant help feel sorry for any hungry bird or animal.
I love the line rats with wings.
The picture is hilarious! you are a bird master!
Thanks, a cafe owner said that as he did not want people to feed the birds. Thanks Doc
I suspect the cafe owner is quite smart, not feeding the birds in theory would reduce the number of birds.
The sparrows are obviously the same all over the world …. they put in sugar at the coffee shop in the cafe because the sparrows take them all away …. I could not believe when I saw him grabbing a sugar bag and flew away … really they are real thieves hahaha
The Sparrow is a smart bird. Thanks Lado
You are also fast to capture this act! Yeah, we cannot blame them because they are hungry.
Certainly you are right, and a cafe is a larder for a Sparrow. Thanks Sharon
Big lough , does rats with wings also exist ?
According to that cafe owner, the Sparrows are them.
Is this action outdoor or indoor?
It is outdoor but with an awning over it. Thanks Albert
I see… that’s why the bird can freely visit and join the guest table.
they may be an attraction to you but a nuisance to others. there may be health code violations
Yes, that is also true. Thanks Alex. Sparrows are particularly messy with no housekeeping skills.
I don’t know why the cafe owners don’t like them, but I expect they have reasons…
It reminds me of when sparrows waited for us to throw French fries while we were eating at McDonalds. They’re like pigeons. ?
This is also true but Pigeons throw the food around more than Sparrows. They are messy too
Lol… rats with wings… well, they’re a huge pest (more of pigeons and mynah) when it comes to open-air cafes …
I’ve on going after my food even when I was holding it! :/
Yes sometimes they are a pest. You certainly are right, pays to watch over it
I experienced something similar a few days ago in a cafe. The sparrow needed sugar. He took a bag of sugar from the table and flew away ?
That is one smart Sparrow, he didn’t stay to create a mess. Thanks Vidocka
ooh waoo nice post cheeky cheeky sparrow!
One has to have cheek to survive sometimes. Thanks Hamza
And the same thing with us is the same thing. Eating with us.
It seems they are all the same when hunger is concerned.
To me, this is nice and I never take them from my desk while I’m in a bakery and eat cakes.
I feel the same way as you do Robin, I cant help but like them and they make it more interesting even if they do make some people mad.
You made me smile when I read “These Rats with Wings”.
Thanks Carol, Rats with wings are often having to be smarter than people and in my opinion, if you cant beat them join them and enjoy the show. The customers should just be provided with a cloth to clean up after these Pi rats.