
Love ItLove It

The month of August sure was hot!

For over 20 days the weather stations warned of extreme heat here in San Diego County. 

We had many records broken. We did not get out with the dogs much, even the ground would burn paws. 

We kept our short walks down to 1 time a week after it had gotten dark, or before the sun even rose. I didn’t take any pictures over this period of time. I spent a lot of time making quizzes here on Virily. 

Well the temperatures have finally cooled down here. In the mornings you need a jacket even! 

It’s been great to get the dogs out again.

Here was our first adventure! 

#1 My son and my mom’s dog.

Can you guess where we went? 

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#2 We went to the creek nearby….

Can you see Luna? She is the black dog. The water is curving around that round rock with son, and Penny, (the small dog) as she looks at the water. 

#3 Luna

knows this place. She has been here a few times now. She is cautious as she tip toes across the little rock shoal. 

#4 Testing the depth of the water..

Just hits the belly... Perfect! 

#5 One quick shake!

and she's ready to find that pesky wolf friend of hers.. Notice all the wet foot prints? 

#6 She went that way!

It's not a complete drop off, but Luna knows she is not ready to try it. The wolf is an old pro. 

#7 Luna

decides to stay on the safer side of this place.

#9 Because of this waterfall..

El Salto Falls, Oceanside, CA 

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#10 As I slowly pan to the right…

We are almost back to the rock we started at..


What do you think?

11 Points

Written by Kim_Johnson


  1. We’re hot almost everyday lol
    but probably not as hot as your side we average around 28-30 degree C usually.

    but end of year will be cooler for us. It’s called our “winter” lol
    but its just a slight drop in temperature

  2. It was very hot here also in the Outaouais valley. On Canada day, July the 1st the thermometer went up to a whopping 48 degrees Celcius (sorry I do not remember how to transfer that in Fahrenheit) which included the humidex factor. We broke the record here also on that day. I just cannot wait for Autumn and then my blessed Winter with snow and cold, freezing weather. I just cannot stand a hot, muggy summer day. If it was dry, maybe.. but even then I would find it hard to tolerate.

    • I remember that being on the news down here. That is hot for up there. Wow. I wish we would take Celicius here. It would be so nice to have the humidity factored in. Dumb we don’t really.
      I had forgotten that you loved the snow and winter. I think I made a poll or something a while back..last year maybe. You were the only one that marked winter!

      • Of course I would be. It is just that I find winter has so much fresh air compared to summer. Also, in summer, you only can take off so much clothes while in winter, you simply bundle up. One last detail is that in winter, you sleep so much better because you huddle under blankets and the cold envelops you still and puts you to sleep literally. I seriously think I should have been born an Inuit (Eskimo) instead of French Canadian but I guess you cannot have everything you want in life.
