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Saying goodbye to our old park.

#11 A swing

The creek below under the dark canopy. That flat rock in front of the tree is a Native American Mortar.  

    • There have been many photo shoots done here… I have one of my daughter in law dressed for Halloween in a witches costume, swing on this with the fall colors.


#12 Native American Mortar

used with a pestle for grinding grains. 

#13 The creek

under its natural canopy of trees and vines. 

    • Thank you Pam, the creek will always be there… We have a waterways act that protects the water ways and 10 feet on each side. But they still took away all the trees from both sides of this creek.


#15 This tree would make five of me

it was a giant Eucalyptus Tree and the view is looking down the hillside to the creek.  

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#16 So much color

of the different vines that took over the creek side area. 

#17 Torrey Pine Trees

I thought these were protected. I was wrong. 

#19 Looking up

into the top of another Twisted Juniper. They were in one yard and must of been planted around the same time. 

#20 A fallen tree

and it shows some of the view. 

I am very honored to have been able to catch so many beautiful moments in photographs throughout the years in this lovely long forgotten park. 

Here's to modernization and change. I will let you know what they have planned for this once I find out and will take photos of the "after" . 


What do you think?

30 Points

Written by Kim_Johnson


  1. What a shock, and so saddening. Memories levelled. I bet you’re glad you have photos to remind you of all the good times had there by your people and your dogs. Those pictures portray a truly magical place.

    • I have thousands of shots to remind me. It was a huge shock though, like I said to someone else, Meika ran around sniffing everything all scattered looking, lost.

  2. It is so hard to see parks, houses, and buildings destroyed these days. Most of the time they put up a hotel or apartments. Can’t they find somewhere else to build! 🙁

  3. There are so many things that once were one way and now are no more. Sorry you lost your park. I know if my dog lost his favorite space there would problems!

  4. I do not know what to say. How can all this be destroyed? We’ll wait to see what’s going to be there. Even abandoned there was a lot of vegetation.

    • I don’t know, progress, money to be had. There were hawks, falcons, bats all living here. The wildlife people also tried to save the park, by turning it into a walking park. They did try, and kept it in probate for years and years.