So if you have been paying attention, you know a few things about me. One of the things you may not know is that I am called upon to make a lot of appearances and give presentations. It seems like in today’s world, people do well with technology, but not so great at being “human”. Co-workers forget how to treat each other with respect. Many people feel entitled to be treated “differently or special”. It is hard for some people to understand there really is a boss and that person is in charge.
In comes Trenna to remind, retrain and rejoice that we are still human, and as humans we can make the world and certainly the workplace, a better place to thrive.
Sometimes I find that a simple little children’s book can introduce a great idea. I have use this one when we are talking about letting small problems stay small and be solved. Don’t escalate.
That is a very important subject. I bet you do a great job.
Trenna, I feel sorry for you if you have to play that dreadful video day after day! It really is awful!
Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion. I love the book and the story it teaches the children. All I have to say if one of the young ones is about to cry is “Did (insert name) cry and they say “Goodness no?” I am really sorry that you can’t appreciate the message. As they say to each his own.
Agreed – each to their own. However, I have always believed it best not to talk down to young children, and this video does precisely that. What age of child is being shown it? If they are older than four then their intelligence is being seriously insulted.
nice blog…good job 😉
Well thank you very much, I appreciate.
very much welcome too
Well good for you Trenna. I have spoken to crowds, schools, organizations, etc about suicide awareness. I need to get back to that eventually. It is very rewarding.