I have two brothers that are younger than me. They each had a favorite cookie to go with a glass of cold milk. One liked graham crackers. The other liked Oreo cookies. I didn’t have a favorite because whatever cookies were in the cupboard were fine by me. But my brothers made me think. Should I choose sides? I sided with the brother that liked Oreos.

<a href="https://pixabay.com/en/cookies-oreo-milk-dessert-sweet-702931/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
Ever wonder about the things people do with Oreo cookies? They do more than dunk ’em and eat them with an ice cold glass of milk. Go to Twitter and type “Oreo” in the search box. You’ll be amazed!
- OreoChurros
- Oreo pancakes
- Oreo Stuffed M&M Cookies
- Oreo Brownie Dessert Pots
- RedVelvet Oreo truffle bars
- Turtle Candy Chocolate Dipped Oreos
Food fun facts and trivia:
For your information, there is such as thing as World Peace Cookies. Oreo cookies are not an ingredient, but surely we can take liberties and modify the recipe. After all, it is for world peace.
Sweet cookies peace and freedom!
Most interesting post about your cookie situation. Hmmmmmm
sounds like you were closer to world peace before you chose sides…
Funny. It didn’t cause a war. The one who liked graham crackers was more than happy to eat the entire box! LOL.
Very delicious post, thank you!!!
Great post very interesting read.
Absolutely yummy and inspiring! Thanks for sharing!
i like cookies yummy
Oreos are the best kinds!!!!! That’s my Peace right there.
I love how you included the last fact and put it in italics! Thanks for sharing this post!
Thank you for your comments at all of my posts. Much appreciated.
You’re welcome!
I just love Oreo cookies.
I’m not the biggest fan of oreos, but I love ice cream with oreos.
Nice post Delicious cookies.
My kids are not kids anymore; yet they simply love these (sometimes I do as well!!!)
What’s even better is that Oreos have evolved. They come in “variety”. They even have rainbow oreo cookies with different colors of icing. When I was a kid there was the traditional white icing.
For me, Oreos are meh. I think I’m alone in the world as far as that opinion is concerned! But one way I do enjoy them whizzed up is in a milkshake 🙂
LOL. You and me bro! Thanks for your comments.