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South Of My Morning ~ 365 Photos Challenge #19

Like the other morning, I woke up this morning with excitement. There’s no particular reason for that. To slightly stretch the muscles, I went to the balcony. There, what I had always seen, looked so beautiful this morning. So I decided to take the picture immediately. Our house faces south, and this scene is what appears from the front of the house or on the balcony to make it more spacious.

Those line towers of high voltage power transmission cables were heading south.

The bright blue sky lay before my eyes.

The bright blue sky lay before my eyes.The bright blue sky lay before my eyes. Just at the far end there, it seemed like a thick dark cloud was going somewhere.

The Southwest Of Me

In the southwest, there are several rows of housing. Rows of houses at the bottom are housing (beneath a cliff a few dozen meters from the side of my house) that have been ignored by the owners. It was really a beautiful morning before I left for work.

And it turns out during the day, all of Jakarta has been showered by heavy rain accompanied by very strong winds. Floods happen again, even and especially in the streets of the protocol. Severe congestion occurred until late at night. For all my friends, I hope you have a wonderful week.

Anyone can join in on this fun photo challenge which was started by John artbytes26 . Just please be sure to check out Art’s rules and guidelines for the challenge in this post 365 Photos Challenge.

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  1. Wonderful pictures! I saw hot pink skies when I went to work. Then later I found out that we were in a fire warning. I wish I would have took a picture of it.
