I was out walking around in my yard and noticed my azaleas are now in full bloom. Such a pretty pink-fuchsia color to brighten up my day. I had my phone in my pocket and as I snapped this photo a big bumble bee photo bombed me! But that was fine with me, makes it more interesting. Did you know that bumble bees face many threats, including habitat loss, pesticides, diseases, climate change and competition from honey bees? The next time you see one leave him alone. I probably don’t need to tell you that. But remember they are in danger the next time you see one. Try to keep the pesticides away from them.

365 Photos Challenge Day 172
I personally don’t like any kind of bee…but I would never bother them. Great photograph!
Bumble bees are wonderful creatures and that is a wonderful photo.
I agree with you Pamela, and thank you.
Pollinators are the achilles heel of our ecosystem
Yes and they are in serious danger.
Bigtime. It is distressing to think of how fragile our ecosystem can be…
Well done! Nice post!
Thanks Georgi, good to see you.
Wonderful flowers! You’re lucky having it in your yard.
Thanks, I love the azaleas each year.
Wow, that is one gorgeous photo, great info as well. : )
Thanks Kim, the bee was a bonus!
I agree, in more ways than the photo opp. It’s kind of scary with all the die offs.
I know it is really a serious problem.
Thanks for sharing the information about bumble bees… I hardly see one around, so I guess, at least I wouldn’t be harming them …
I wish cockroaches would be endangered soon… lol
You are welcome. I feel the same about roaches. Yuck!
But you two, they clean up the rat poop. lol sorry, I just had to.
Hmm… I’ll be glad if they just stay out of my house hehe
I do agree that some insects should be saved from harm. c”,)
Absolutely and this is one of those, thanks.
If we do, things will be balanced here on Earth. c”,)
You are exactly right. Thanks!
No problem, my friend. c”,)
Very beautiful color and the bee definitely makes the photo even better!
Thank you Ellie. I hope to get a better pic next time, he just flew into this one. 🙂
Bumblebees are among the most docile of bees. When we go camping, we invariably end up with one or two in the tent. I carefully scoop them up, carry them outside, and open my hands to let them fly away. We have lots of bumblebees around here.
Yes you are right, but their size when they are coming at you through a camera lens can throw you off. But they are cool bees.
Start the season of beautiful flowers in your garden and your beautiful pictures with them. You know I adore the flowers
Thank you my dear friend.
I am very glad you have azaleas to give them a good life.
Yes and they like all of my flowers.
Then you are an abundance of all life, Carol.
Yeah Careful but looks Innocent 🙂
Yes I had to move slowly.
yeah slowly slowly.. heheh..
brilliant you are and so is your post
Thank you very much.
Well once again, an excellent capture. An thank you for educating us on the bumble bee. Now I’m a little more wiser.
Thank you once again Bradley, such kind words. I love learning and sharing about nature.
Everything is in a rush now, because we had such a slow start to spring!
Yes it is either feast or famine as my Dad used to say.
Feast or famine is an interesting farm analogy that we don’t use as much now. I miss it!
It seems the older I get the more phrases I use. Makes me wonder… where did that come from. Have not heard some of them in years. Our minds are amazing.
Sounds like a blog topic Carol! Maybe even a challenge, do you remember the things you used to say 🙂
Now look what you started, yet another blog! Seriously this is a good thing. I need the nudges. 🙂
The flower and its color Azalea are amazing!
Thank you Branka, I love their color.
Thank you very much. 🙂
I did not even see the bee until I snapped the photo!
Great capture of this little bee. You take such great pictures.
Thanks, it was taken with my phone and it was a huge bumble bee!
Whether it’s a bumblebee that collects nectar. Good photo. Thank you.
Yes indeed, thanks Robin.
They are lovely flowers. I love this time of year. All the beautiful flower photos.
Thanks and good to see you.