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The Story Behind The Spirit Dance Collection

Social anxiety has been a part of my life, in certain crowds and situations, all my life. When I am really anxious I like to picture everyone in the room, without a body. You probably thought I was going to say naked didn’t you? The latter was recommended to me, and I have heard that it is a good way to relieve social anxiety while speaking in front of a crowd, but it never worked for me.

What does work for me is picturing everyone as a spirit dancing around, no body language or facial expressions to try and read. I suppose it is more complicated than picturing everyone naked because I don’t know what a spirit looks like, much less what it looks like dancing. The visualization process distracts from my anxiety enough that I am able to relax and even have some fun in the crowd.

Presenting The Spirit Dance Collection: Inspired by my personal method for coping with social anxiety.

The original painting “Spirit Dance” is a 16×20, pearlescent and metallic acrylic, on canvas. All other images were created from a photograph of the original painting using photo-manipulation.

“Spirit Dance”

“Spirit Ballet”

“Spirit Odissi”

“Spirit Moonwalk”

“Spirit Merengue”

“Spirit Tango”

“Spirit Disco”


What do you think?

27 Points

Written by Rachel Hannah


  1. Love these… the texture and palette are great! Well done. BTW pretending everyone is naked never worked for me either. Instead, I would single out two or three people and focus on them during my talk.