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Color Challenge – Tuesday Orange

Let’s have some fun and play the color challenge. Let’s fill Virily with a rainbow of colors.

Today’s challenge color is Orange. Drop a photo of orange. The photo can be of any subject as long as it contains orange. We can also vote on the best orange of the day!!!!!! You can post more than one photo as well if you like. Let’s see how long we can get this!

I hope you all enjoy playing along!

#9 Cheesy Cauliflower Bake

Here is a dinner dish I made some time back: a delicious cheesy, cauliflower bake! Orange topping from the grilled cheese!

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  1. This photo was actually submitted as part of a gallery on someone else’s post: the theme was “Pictures of Orange Things”! I didn’t have any other orange-toned photos, so submitted this. I think it is a good photo anyway! (It’s a vegan recipe, btw – non-dairy cheese used in it).

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16 Points

Written by Elizabeth Flores


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