

Can I Guess How Old Are You?

Well, I tryed this quiz, and it actually guessed my ages 😀 So, I decided to try it on you, Virily community. This quiz will try to guess your ages, all you need to do is to click LET’S PLAY, and answer 15 qustions.

This is my first Personality quiz on Virily so far. I want to thank my dear friend Gina for helping me about making this quiz, and also to thank her because she surprised me with her level of friendliness, so we made great friendship. Don’t forget to check her profile, she is an expert for making personality quizzes on Virily and also a nice friend.

  • Question of

    Where are you on a Friday night?

    • Partying somewhere
    • Out to a fancy diner
    • Watching TV on the couch
    • Probably asleep because my body aches
  • Question of

    You wish you were:

    • Younger
    • Older
    • The age I am forever
  • Question of

    Do you have a job?

    • Yes
    • No
    • In between jobs
  • Question of

    What hours do you work?

    • 9-5
    • 10-10 or more
    • Sporadic hours
    • I just aid I don’t work
  • Question of

    What kind of books do you read?

    • Comic books
    • Non-fiction
    • Fiction
    • I don’t read often
  • Question of

    Pick a dessert:

    • Yes
    • No
    • k
    • č
  • Question of

    What’s your preferred alcoholic drink?

    • Beer.
    • Wine
    • Shots
    • Cocktails
    • None, thanks
  • Question of

    What do you think of long-distance relationships?

    • Annoying
    • Worth a try, but probably won’t work
    • Doomed
    • Whatever it takes
  • Question of

    What do you think is the best time of life?

    • Teens
    • 20s
    • 30s
    • 40s
    • The golden years
  • Question of

    Love is:

    • Hard to find
    • All over
    • Full of heartbreak
    • Something that will happen eventually
  • Question of

    Which would you rather?

    • Run
    • Walk
    • Stretch
    • Sit
  • Question of

    What sounds scary?

    • Dating someone exclusively
    • Meeting the parrents
    • Getting married
    • Having children
    • Divorce
  • Question of

    Money doesn’t:

    • Grow on trees
    • Buy you happiness
    • Matter
  • Question of

    Do you usually give advice or seek out advice?

    • Give advice
    • Seek out advice
  • Question of

    How do you feel about prunes?

    • Love ’em
    • Leave ’em


What do you think?

21 Points


  1. This is what I got

    You have real life experience and the kind of wisdom that is hard to ignore. You’re a leader and advice giver and the person. Never change.

  2. You got: 20s You are adventurous and curious and ready for the time of your life. People value your youthful vibe and somewhat naive attitude on how the world works. Oh well, ya live and learn.

    The age is quite wrong. Just touching 40 but the analysis is quite correct.

    Do you have a job? I am never sure about this question. I don’t work outside the house but I work almost 12-14 hours a day as a mom, cook, driver, tutor, and whatnot.

    PS can I have all the four deserts please. 🙂 It’s not nice that you offer them but not serve 🙂 🙂

  3. Think of a number between 2 and 4 (not inclusive). Divide my real age by it. The answer is bigger than the result I got (19) ?
    By the way, everything you said about Gina is true!

  4. You have real life experience and the kind of wisdom that is hard to ignore. You’re a leader and advice giver and the person. Never change….Bravo

  5. You got: 30s

    You are driven and strong , yet still have a sense of fun and spontaneity. People think you are smart and ready to conquer the world.

    A very exact guess…and it’s all true…congrats for your first personality quiz… ???

  6. I got 20’s! Yay, Im in my 50’s.
    You are adventurous and curious and ready for the time of your life. People value your youthful vibe and somewhat naive attitude on how the world works. Oh well, ya live and learn.

  7. Hahahaha I got 60’s.

    You have real life experience and the kind of wisdom that is hard to ignore. You’re a leader and advice giver and the person. Never change.

    Thanks Luka. I love the description and I enjoyed this quiz. Please make more!