Most of us love babies no matter whose baby it is whether that of animals or human beings. They are all charming but it is not always that we know what they are called We call them by whatever name we feel comfortable with.
So, let’s be professional and for that you need to answer this quiz
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Question of
A baby fish is called Fry
Question of
Baby spiders are known as spiderlings
Question of
Baby monkey is called infant
Question of
Baby deer is called fawn
Question of
Baby goat is called kid
Question of
Baby elephant is called calf
Question of
Baby owl is called owlet
Question of
Baby rabbit is called a kitten
You got 8 out of 8 right! Very interesting quiz.
Nice quiz! I got just one wrong (the baby rabbit).
Good you got fry for fish baby. I was wondering if anyone knew it here.
I thought ‘fry’ was well known, but perhaps I’m mistaken. However there is a common expression from it: “small fry” meaning somebody unimportant 🙂
I have used that expression often but did not know it was this fry that was referred to (lol_)
It was really fun to try this quiz.
I knew all you animal lovers would like it.
Let’s talk about babies
You got 6 out of 8 right!
Thank you.
You got 6 out of 8 right!
fun quiz!! those babies are cute!!
You agree then. Baby fish is a fry (lol)
I’m pretty sure when they name the babies, they didn’t ask the fry’s parents … lol
Same here. They did not ask us either (lol)
Very good quiz! I enjoyed playing it.
How did you fare? Was it easy?
I got 7 right. I love baby animals. Wonderful quiz,.
I knew all you animal lovers would like it.
I scored 6. I didn’t know rabbit’s baby is called a kitten. It was selfish of me to think it was only reserved to cats.
Did you also know that a baby fish is called a fry? (lol)
No. That’s another thing I forgot to mentione. I don’t know why they named the baby of a fish a fry. If the baby can be fried so does the baby’s mum and dad???. I’m still perplexed why…
I too find it a bit odd That’s English language for you?
baby fish are called fry? that’s messed up. also, it makes me hungry
I checked before posting here. I too thought baby fish could never be a fry but they could be fried?
it made me laugh, so no complaints
a great quiz … I have 6 regular … my bunny version that the puppy is a kitten
Got all correct. Great quiz.
You are fond of animals – no wonder Congrats.
6 out of 8. Grrr. I hate when I second-guess myself. Great post.
You got 8 out of 8 right!
Perfect. You rock!
Wow!!! Congrats. I feel nice when users score good
got 8 out of 8!!!! I love your quiz, these once was the lesson of my son.
But we adults do not know as much as today’s kids know.
You did well Congrats.
8 of 8 here. Gotta love babies.
Happy many here have got all 8. Well done.
Got em all right!
🙂 I love baby animals!
Congrats. Not easy. Nice to know you like babies of animals Do you have pets?
There are two dogs that let me live in their house 🙂
I can write a book on our beloved Preiti who left us lately, on her life with us. We have had many pets.
we have had many pets over the years. They change everything.
Wow! Congrats. You got to be loving the fauna