Stopping for dinner on the way home, for a moment I saw an opportunity to share something for Thursday’s Reflections.
A little implicit meaning from the picture that I got was that no matter how dark something was, even in the darkest situations as long as the surface was shiny, it would receive the reflection of light and the forms around it. I am sure that this also applies to the mental and spiritual of the human being.
I am sure that all of you ever have got inspiration when everything seemed dark with a situation that looked totally disadvantageous, right?
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Thanks for the compliment, dear friend.
Yes, I try to be active again, as much as I can, as much time as I have, my friend.
You’re welcome. How about you?
Yes, there is always something to be prioritized, and that can always change. We only do what we can do here.
Inspiration can appear in any place in any moment
Yes, my friend. You’re so right.
Is there really light in the darkness, as some people tell us?
In the reverse scenario, or in God, there is only light, so there is no darkness in the light, but light is still in the darkness?
Is there light in the Devil’s blackness too then, is God’s love in him somewhere too?
I think that it is correct that in God there is only light, so where does darkness come from.
God created both light and darkness to give shades of meaning to himself in his creation, as othen, beginningnesses of creation, cannot yet take in or understand the full light.
They need darkness, reflections, shadows, and contrast to grasp who God is to them.
Otherwise, in total light, they would not see God for themselves. All would be either themselves, or God. God can be known by lesser lights, in this way, (in the worlds of duality) because nobody can match his own light.
Good explanation, my friend. Unfortunately, we cannot just mix the real reality with this dualistic outward reality as you described, moreover to see with our imperfect eyes.
If God is everything, as is love, and everything, is Devil outside of God the infinite?
When God created, duality was created, as this creation then existed outside of himself, as long as they thought or acted in that way without him.
Until they place themselves within God’s reality, they see through the darkness darkly.
We try to mix duality into reality, but as you said, this never works.
Yes, sometimes a little peep of light will shine in the darkness.
As they say, These things soon pass…Hope shines eternal..
What wonderful words of wisdom, Pamela.
Hope can shine through darkness if the mind is receptive. Great photo Albert.
See… You a very wise teacher, LaJenna.
If you want to see the silver lining behind a cloud, you will find a silver lining. If you only want to see the cloud then cloud is all you see ?
I must thank you for sharing that formula!
Glad to see you are back and apparently, whole and new ?. The swim did you good, I suppose? ?
New? What’s new? Swimming is great, especially when lifting your nose to breathe in the air.??
Every person dies and born anew while in this journey, brother. How can you not know that when you are the professor pray tell me? ? And because you are the professor I will never pretend to give you advice or lecture ???
Which version do you use to talk about rebirth, Buddhism, Hinduism, or memories from personal experiences??
What I am practicing these few days is try not to identify with any authority. So I should say none of the above. As life has to be experienced now. And now I am only writing this comment ?
Because you are not a politician, I can understand and trust your explanation.
Fantastic picture. I think we occasionally think too dark
Thanks for the compliment.
Yes, most of us occasionally think too dark…
I like a high contrast balance of lights and darks
That’s very reasonable because you are a painter with special preferences for certain things, Sir.
as an illustrator, high impact images are preferred…
There is always light at the end of the tunnel.
And that is the hope that is always there. That’s what you mean, right?
Sometimes when we gaze upon the reflection we have to wonder is it real.
Darkness is essential we can’t recognize light without dark.
I agree completely with everything you say, Doc. That is the most interesting part of reflection, including about ourselves.
Wonderful idea, Nice post always Albert <3
Thanks for your visit and compliment, dear friend. Glad to see you again.
There is always a day after dark night
Yep! That’s right, dear friend. That is the law of nature in the world of duality that applies to everything in this outward life
You’ve made a fantastic picture again, dear Albert
Thank you soooo much for your kind words, dear friend. Thank you…
With great pleasure, dear Albert
If there is light, there is reflection of some sort …
You must always get good grades in science subjects during school, right?
Yes, I love a dark mirror. My favorite in night photography is the city with shop lights reflected in the asphalt when it was wet from rain.
If I am dark I look outward to find and reflect the light. When it is dark outside I become the light.
We have something in common in this, Howard.
Absolutely I have always found a way to see the light in the darkness. Perfect for the challenge.
As I always say, you are the source of your own maturity and wisdom, O my dear friend.