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Do You Have Your Own Blog?

One of the reasons why I love Virily is the fact that we are being given an opportunity to share our ideas in whatever form we deemed appropriate. That is aside from the fact that we are earning a little sum of money just for being active.

But did it ever cross your mind to have your own blog? A blog where you can probably focus on one or several subjects for that matter? Or a blog where you can offer your products or service/s?

There are different blogging platforms where we can start with depending on the purpose of the blog. If you want to do it for personal enjoyment, we can opt to start with Blogger or However, if we are planning to monetize your blog through various methods including but not limited to placing third-party advertisements, using an open-source content management system likes is a good thing to consider.

I personally have my own blog and I must say that it helps me learn new things which are essential in my daily life as an online worker.

  • Question of

    Do you have your own blog?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    If your answer to the first question is yes, ere you earning from it?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    If your answer to the first question is no, do you have a plan to have one and why?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

22 Points


    • Thank you for visiting, Pamela. What kind of website do you have? Haven’t you tried applying for advertising platforms like Adsense or Infolinks?

      • I got on to FASO because it was easy to set up and now I find it is strictly only art work, not so much photography and generally it is really hard to sell anything.

        • Yes, FASO is a web hosting company that caters primarily for artists. You can have your own domain but you host the site with them. You can try which is an open content management system. You can choose where you want to host your site and have your own domain. with an open CMS, You can implement your own earning program.

  1. I have a blog, but wish it had monetizing capabilities because I would actually put more time into it. Most of things I share are copied from what I post on other sites.

    • Thank you for commenting Thomas. The content of our blog should be original just like with other sites we have. Having an exact copy of what we have in another site might affect our SEO. We can write for the same subject but we have to write it in a different way. We can link the posts we have in other sites back to our own blog.

    • Thank you for visiting, Vidocka. Well, actually, I am still planning to set up my travel blog. I just need to have my own camera for that. I also need to learn photo editing as well as creating videos. My current blog is about career and online working.

  2. I do not have any blogs and I do not even have the intention to deal with it, dear Sharon … I already have Virilya

    • Yes, Virily is a very good blogging platform and I also consider it as one of the best when it comes to design and functionality. thank you for sharing your thoughts on this, LaJenna.

    • I think you can. There are many people who are looking for photos. You can earn from it using several methods. One, you can create a membership site where only those with accounts can access your photos. Second, you can charge per download. Third, you can ads on your blog. You can sell your photos in Shutterstock and other sites.

    • Thank you suny. Even if we don’t earn from our own blog at the current time, we can still use those to promote our works from other sites that we have.