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Want vs. Need, chasing Unicorns

There are two things that I tell crowdfunding campaigns when they reach out to me. The first is that no one captures 50% of the total market out of the gate. Markets progress, over time you dominate more and more of the market, but day one, you areally only capture the early adopters. They represent 7-13% of the total market possible. Most starts or crowdfunding campaigns make the mistake of assuming they can capture the entire market. Now the market they think they can capture is often significantly larger than the actual market. I’ve had people tell me that they had a billion-dollar idea. Those, in the financial world, are called Unicorns. When is the last time you saw one, a unicorn?

Once we get back the mythical creature discussion the problem is often use cases. I know that many software companies spend weeks building use cases. A use case is how we as software buildings, consider what a user is going to do with what we are building. Here is the single most important thing about a use case. Someone has to want to use what you are building the way you want it to be used. Or, if you get lucky, the market will make use cases for you and you will sell your product easily. My blog has a use case, but for me, that use case is sharing technology information with other people. The reality of the information I have, is sometimes it is more than what people want or need.

Want or need is the very best use case. For that use case, I want to thank everyone that has read one of my technology posts that were far from something they needed or wanted. Thank you to everyone that read and commented on technology posts that honestly were outside of their interest or need. It is something that all of us as authors deal with. The difference between what people need and want from us as writers. We reach out to the universe with our tiny offering, sharing it with the world. We are each an island, with water all around us, we reach out by placing our blog in the bottle (Virily) and hope that it is found. The interesting connection that happens is the best part of throwing that bottle into the water.

What will I find, today?

PS I lost a unicorn, anyone finds one please send it to me!

  • Question of

    did you know that companies that make the 1 billion dollar plateau are sometimes called Unicorns?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Will you accept my thank you for all the posts on technology you’ve read that didn’t really fit what you needed?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you also have use cases in your life or career?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

23 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Interesting, we have needs that are more important than wants. Unicorns are wishful thinking maybe..
    I don’t really understand technology that well.
    However, I can see the principal
    Our economies of the world is on perceived investments and money rather than the truth of what we really have, which is why we get recessions and probably this is a small view of the total picture

  2. I was happy to read all your posts even though I didn’t understand many things … but you won’t think you did a good job … it’s my fault because I’m more familiar with technological advances

  3. Q: did you know that companies that make the 1 billion dollar plateau are sometimes called Unicorns?
    Yes (1 votes) – 17%
    No (5 votes) – 83%
    Q: Will you accept my thank you for all the posts on technology you’ve read that didn’t really fit what you needed?
    Yes (6 votes) – 100%
    Q: Do you also have use cases in your life or career?
    Yes (4 votes) – 80%
    No (1 votes) – 20%

  4. Doc, we appreciate all your posts and read them carefully. We may not understand the really technical ones but appreciate the effort you put into posting each and every one.
