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The really cool world of Screen Sharing (Chromecast and others!!!!)

Today I am covering the last of my three topics from 4 days ago! The previous question is the reality of screen sharing devices. There are several such devices available today.

  1. For the Dongle based version, the solution should support over the air to HDMI conversion
  2. What is screen sharing? It means you have either a large monitor or projector, and you wish to take information from your phone, laptop, tablet, and share that data on the larger screen.
  3. Finally, there are screen sharing systems that work with other types of screens.

So that is the three areas of the technology. Within the second (Dongle), there are two distinct types. The first is the “active screen share” the second is the “Active Device Share.” To explain the beginning, we look at the product that opened this market, Chromecast. Within the Chromebrowers (or within the ChromeOS), you can share anything in the window you see. With the second type, you can share anything—the Chromecast shares what is visible in the chrome browser window. You are limited only to how many Chrome windows you have open. You are also limited to things that can be displayed in your chrome browser. With the device sharing system, you share everything, so any application you want to share, you can. The best example in this category is Air Tame!

What is screen sharing? It is the process of taking the display of one device and pushing it to another. The process is old; with the invention of projectors, the concept of screen sharing was born. But in the past, projectors and other screen sharing devise required a direct cable connection. The newer products allow you to share your screen wirelessly!

Beyond the concept of AirTame and Chromecast, you can also leverage the Oculus Rift and other VR headsets to see the screen of your computer. It is still screen sharing, just a personal filter. You can also share your desktop with the earphones. Most of the intimate theater systems support directly pushing your computer or phone screen to the private theater (Goovis is an excellent example of this)!

If you have more technology topics you want to be covered – share them in the comments!

  • Question of

    I really need to get polls work, right?

  • Question of

    i have never used a screen sharing device?

    • Yes
  • Question of

    I don’t think I would ever need a screen sharing device.

    • Yes


What do you think?

14 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  1. Thank for sharing it is interesting but me and technology are not very good friends . One time I even had some trouble changing the user password because my PC asks me to do it after some time passes. Anyway I did something wrong and it would not take my password so finally the PC wound up with the password idiot my thoughts on it and my latest change amount so nincompoop there you have my sentiments lol


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